Man with too many items for checkout pulls gun on clerk

A little background, although it probably isn’t necessary. A few weeks ago our local supermarket chain started restricting self-checkout to shoppers with 10 items or less, partly because too many people were pushing loaded carts up to the tiny checkout stations, and partly, they frankly admitted, because theft had increased. (They also increased the number of clerks at the full-service lanes.)

To enforce this, they stationed clerks at the front of the checkout lanes to helpfully guide shoppers with too many items to the full-service queue. As you might guess, some people objected to this. . .

The article says he hid the gun in the candy aisle. Couldn’t he have hidden it where children won’t find it? Like behind the booze?

How are you reading the article? I’m getting a subscription nag that I can’t get past.

Maybe there’s a secret first look. I just went back and got the sub nag.

That’s what happened to me. I could read the article once, but when I went back to look at it again now I get the subscription nag. I bet you get one freebee, but after that you have to subscribe. If @pulykamell couldn’t even read the article once maybe he already read one other article on that site.

If I arm myself, does the gun count as one of my 10 items?

Hey, he said he brandished the gun “playfully”. Doesn’t anyone have a sense of humor anymore?

I have to say this would piss me off too. They reduced manning at the registers and pushed us to use self checkout when the machines were annoyingly unreliable. I got used to them, and now that they are much more reliable I prefer them. I can organize everything how it want it, nothing gets squashed. Now they don’t want me to use them any more because of the shocking unexpected discovery that some people are dishonest?

So where do I buy a gun? They are really difficult to find here, right? I should probably start studying for my test.

Huh I got a nag right away. I wonder if I read another article from the same website and it counts against the limit or if I somehow accidentally refreshed the page.

Quora does that, too. Unless you take the app.

Not interested.

Now, people who are armed at checkouts. My god, there needs to be a better way to judge if people should have guns. It’s ridiculous what is going on.

I have no way to figure how to solve this. I’m not smart enough.
Isn’t somebody working on this?

I think we need guns. For certain people.
But this is ridiculous. Parents buying guns for troubled teens. People not locking up their guns properly to avoid theft. Warring neighbors. Road rage. Disturbed people. Big event and school shootings.

I’m scared to go out in the world anyway. This just makes it worse.

Sorry about the link being blocked, here’s a story from a different source.
@Riemann when the stores put the new rule in effect, they increased the number of checkers in the full service lanes. At the time I go there used to be two lanes open. Now there are four.

At first I thought they were calling the man with a gun a “schnuck” and figured it was some kind of slang.

Years ago I was standing in a queue at the express checkout at the supermarket. The limit was 13 items. The young lovey-dovey couple in front of me had a full shopping trolley but only had eyes for each other, not silly signs. When it got to their turn someone behind me started complaining, “They are only meant to have 13 items.” I turned to the people behind me and said, “It’s OK they only have two items - stuff that is food and stuff that isn’t.” People laughed, the couple looked sheepish and minutes later we all went our separate ways, never to meet again.

Until the next day, when I realized I was in the same line behind the same lovey-dovey couple with a full cart….

At least, at Home Depot, the self-check stations already include a gun. It’s the thing you use to scan the pricing bar codes.

It never even occurred to me to BYOG.


If the clip (magazine) in question holds more bullets (cartridges) than the maximum number of items allowed in that lane – even if you count them as incremental to the desired grocery items – is that just a rules violation or can it amount to another criminal charge?

Huh. Yeah. Huh.

I’ve always thought it would be nice if the 10 items or less lines (or, in this case 13 items or less lines) would actually enforce the limit at the cash register. Just refuse to scan more items. Turn a flashing light on or something to ensure an employee is monitoring to prevent theft of the extra items.

Since this occurred in Missouri, the poor fellow probably would have felt naked without his gun. Many other customers in the store likely had their own concealed weapons. Missouri has been an “open carry” state with no firearms license laws since the wild west days AFAIK. You can legally walk around with a shotgun on your shoulder or a hogleg in your non-concealed quickdraw holster pretty much anywhere you want as long as you are a legal resident of the state with no felony history. Brandishing it at someone in a threatening manner or taking it somewhere that has a “no guns allowed” sign are the no-nos. Although my father was a gun afficianado, NRA member, and a Missouri concealed carry instructor, even he thought it was stupid when the state decided to up the ante in 2017 and got rid of their concealed carry licenses. Move there, get your Missouri driver’s license or state ID card after 30 days (I think) and you too can walk into Walmart, buy guns and ammo, and walk around with a pistol stuck in your waistband.

Yeah…am I the only one who thought "What’s a schnuck? "
‘Cause surely it’s a joke or somethin’…I mean ,like, ya know, nobody would intentionally name a business “Shnucks”, would they?

With a name like Shnucks, it’s got to be good.

Ooh, you Schnuck that right in.