I think of manacles as shackles that go around the wrists, and shackles as irons that go around the ankles. Is there a term for neck shackles?
Manacales, Shackles, … Neckle?
Shackles is the general term. Manacles go around the wrists, and fetters go around the ankles.
A check of various dictionaries suggests there isn’t a specific term for a neck restraint aside from collar. There might be an obsolete or archaic one.
Merriam-Webster agrees, though its use seems to be limited to Scotland.
Is anyone even just a tiny bit curious about why he wants to know?
Im currently writing something and the excat same question came up
Welcome to the SDMB !
(If you need a proof reader, I’m available !)
I hope that you are planning to refashion the rest of the sentence around the ex-cat.
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The Oxford English Dictionary lists the following terms, most of them archaic, obsolete, or dialectal. Seems like collar is the only current, specific term for a neck restraint.
carcan (obsolete) – An iron collar used for punishment.
collar – A band of iron or other metal fixed round the neck of prisoners, worn as a badge of servitude, etc.
jougs (Scottish) – An old Scottish instrument of punishment, analogous to the pillory; it consisted of an iron collar, which was locked round the culprit’s neck, and was attached by a chain to a wall or post.
shackle (Old English) – a ring or collar for the neck of a prisoner
sweor-cops (obsolete) – A… collar… to secure a prisoner.
thew (obsolete) – Name of an instrument or apparatus of punishment ordained, instead of the pillory, for women; often identified with the cucking-stool. Also in comb. thewpenny (cf. burghal-penny). The med.L. equivalent was collistrigium, i.e. an iron collar compressing and confining the neck.
witch’s bridle – an iron collar and gag formerly used as an instrument of torture in Scottish witch-trials