Manhattan is a fuckwad, and Microsoft can suck my dick

This is the forum for venting frustration. GQ is not. You really should know better by now.

And what the fuck is this about:

I mean really, how big is your head? Do you have your own orbiting debris field from the collisions of ideas launched from your skull? Do they cause chaos in your brain when chunks come crashing back down?

Wow. This is, like, so Free Kevin!


You know, you should really talk to me before you do these things. I would have suggested that you simply change the “member” tag under his name to “Bill Gates’ Bitch-Boy.”

Not really. handy, for example, is forbidden from posting in medical threads, I think.

That was my first instinct. However 1) My moderatorial superpowers won’t let me do that – custom titles can be meted out only by Administrators and 2) It turns out that Bill Gates would have charged us $40 and signed us to some kind of licensing dealie where MSFT would own our immortal souls.

Go figger.

[sub]Psssssst…use the “F9” key, in combination with “scroll lock” and the shift key.[/sub]

I don’t have to use Microsoft products if I don’t want to.

::sings nanny nanny boo boo song at lissener::

I don’t use Word except on rare occasion, and never to create my own documents. I don’t use (or even possess) PowerPoint. I don’t generally use Internet Explorer. I don’t use Outlook at all, ever.

I don’t even use Windows except briefly, in emulation, for rare and special projects.

I use Excel by choice. Other spreadsheet programs exist that I could use, but I actually like Excel.

Hey, there is life on computer that isn’t Microsoft-centric. If you don’t want to be forced to immerse yourself in Microsoft’s software, make it a primary objective in your job search.

Hint: get seriously proficient in something Mac- or Linux-centric.

I can knock that down to $20 if you’re willing to participate in our ImmortalSoulXP Beta. :slight_smile:

Am I the only one who actually tried that, just to see what it would do?

And what happened?

Sigh…if only this could be extended to all other threads that have the potential of a factual answer given his “Throw out the first Google hit he finds, regardless of relevance” posting style.


I’m pretty sure the Scroll Lock light on his keyboard blinked, otherwise probably nothing.

Nothing happend. I tried that also.

Yes. I know. Yet another cruel hoax perpetrated by Ike upon us all.

I feel so betrayed!

Yes, betrayed. By the mods. I mean, I trust them to be wise and all-knowing and good, and here they are, making snarky little comments in little type, making us all* try silly key combinations in the vain hope that…something…might happen.

DAMN YOU, MODS! You’re all a bunch of jack-booted thugs! I hate you all and will soon start a Pit thread to this effect, because the two hundred previous Pit threads about how horrible you all are all put together cannot equal my wrath, anger, fury, &c, &c.

In short, you all suck. Especially Manhattan, who’s a fuckwad with hot fudge and whipped cream and nuts and a cherry on top. (Mmmmm…)

*No, I didn’t actually try it.

Does this ban on computer related questions mean that I can’t answer the OP of the original thread? It’s really quite easy. I either carry my custom toolbars on a floppy or email them to myself at new sites.

I haven’t read any of this thread, and very little of the first linked thread. But I have read enough to comment on something.

I think you are more likely to get help (in all but microsoft newsgroups) if you criticise the product.

And if you go to a microsoft newsgroup and ask - weither you criticise or not you’ll probably get some pretty weird and unhelpful answers from the MVPs. I might be generalizing, but all I ever got from MVPs was confused ramblings or defensiveness and always EXTREME pedantry.
It is common for otherwise intelligent and technically minded people to come completely stuck in a Microsoft product. so one of the early posts in your GQ was completely uncalled for (the one where someone said “I like this, someone criticises it, and then asks for help with something a child could use”. WTF!?)

Quite frankly, lissener, since you’ve stated that

and having worked in a place where every fucking e-mail they sent out was a PowerPoint I rate someone who’s spent more hours with PP, than Word on the same level as you rate Bill Gates. PP is annoying fucking program and I have never seen an instance where the presentation or e-mail was improved by the use of PP. Personally, if I’m ever in charge of a corporation, I will publicly fire anyone who dares use a PP presentation in my presence!

Why does this rant seem so familiar?

…(consults the search function)…

Oh, this is why!

Some folks are just slow learners, I guess.

I like PowerPoint. Because I know that the lights will be going down soon, and I can nap for a few minutes.

e-mail? shrug