All i can say is…damn…
How does Google just make everything so much better? Really? This is easily the best map interface ever… Oh, and search for a location and click on a hit. Its so cool.
All i can say is…damn…
How does Google just make everything so much better? Really? This is easily the best map interface ever… Oh, and search for a location and click on a hit. Its so cool.
Not just that - it integrates with Google Local. Try typing “cafe near boston, ma” and you’ll get a map of the area with little flags on all the cafes.
yeah that’s what I was talking about…
I mean just…wow
Yeah, it’s sweet. I love how you can “grab” the map and drag it instead of having to click direction arrows to navigate around.
Hmmm. Why is it that I am not getting it? I typed in the address and I just end up with the normal google page. I guess I must be doing something stupid because everyone else has got something cool… Do you need to have a US IP address? Gahh.
It’s still in beta, so maybe it’s US-only for now.
Darn! It doesn’t support Safari yet
yet another area in which google will dominate…
But hey, they deserve it turning out things of such quality… gmail, gropus, news, maps…
the question is will they ever do something bad?
Virtual groping? URL please.
Has anybody utilized the new database that has replaced Google’s dictionary? It’s quite extensive…definitions, translations, Wikipedia pages, covering pretty much any query. I was looking up court cases the other day with it.
Oh, and doesn’t work with Opera either. (Happily, though, Gmail does work with the Opera 8 Beta, so that’s one less thing I have to switch browsers for.)
Did you try the Local link?
Not only does it give the address but the map to any good or service!
Google Groups stinks now. This new version they switched to about 2 months ago is a step in the wrong direction.
Just freakin’ amazing. This is what you get when you hire people who love what they do- good results.
And it’ll probably just get better. It’s like a phone book, road map, driving directions, and internet search all at once.
Does it? I dont’ know… I never used it, but I remember using it once a while ago and being impressed at the size of their database…
I mean I searched for a username that I had 10 years ago and it turned up a post!
I was 13!
I have a gut feeling they are going to take the Keyhole data and give you the option to switch between satellite/vector imagery
I put in ouryL’s GPS coordinates, and it just got all confused… so apparently, you can’t use this thing for geocaching.
Yet. I suggested it to 'em.
Did you type it in as **www.** If so, leave off the www. and just do
Well, I just found my new favorite mapping site. It doesn’t support Opera yet either, but it’s just so darn good I’m willing to use Firefox if needed.
Wow…very nice interface. I typed in Columbus and it brought up a decent map of Columbus OH. When I searched suburbs within that map it came up with a pretty good list of what I might be looking for.
You can tell it’s still in beta - I typed in my street address (no city, no zip) and got something that seemed completely unrelated in a different part of town.
On the other hand, when I typed in my address and zip, it zoomed right in on the correct location. And in testing directions from here to work, it picked one of the best ways to get there (maybe a block longer than the shortest possible route).
The way they’ve designed the maps is much less cluttered than other map sites. It’s much easier to get an overview of where you’re going. Cool site.
I’ll stop gushing now.
Geographic Information System.
Search for your County or City. You may very well be able to find your house, maybe the dimensions of your lot, deed numbers, prices paid, number of bathrooms in your house. Maybe an air photo, and even a picture of your house.
We can do it in my County. I wrote it. With help from the software and people from
It’s getting pretty common on the local level.
We don’t do pictures of the outside of the house yet, and the aerial photos are not gonna be out till the next release.
Value and deed information is all public. Many municipalities are putting that information out on the net. We do. Or at least grantee, grantor, value, reception number.
All you need is a Name, Address or Legal Description.
Or a tax ID number or Property ID.
Or, be able to look at a map, and click on a property.
I won’t debate if it’s a good idea or not, but I will say that it helps everyone from Realtors to pizza delivery folks.
It helps the County Government , and the Citizens as well, I’d guess that we avoid 10-20,000 phone calls a year because of this system