Mariana Trench, for 10 hours, in 2009

OK, now they have to get a really small person in there…

Air France has sent a team to investigate.

what? too soon?

I was wondering about starting a thread about this. Oh well.

Did you know this is the third time that the Mariana Trench has been explored?

In 1996, the Japanese underwater vehicle Kaiko made that journey. However, that journey and the recent one by Nereus were both unmanned.

I have heard of another journey made to that same trench around the mid 20th century and I beleieve it was by a manned vehicle. Anyone have more information about this?

I believe it lasted for several minutes.

Yeah, in… what decade was it? 50’s? 70’s?

I think it was by Duan Duran and they were in a sub called Rio!

So, if Duran Duran was in a submarine in the Mariana Trench collecting salt to cover the moon in, and they had a 1920’s style “death ray”, and one of them was waving hi to Opal…

Eh, never mind.

ETA: I burning your submarine. Gotcha ya!

If the submarine was on a treadmill would it fly? And did you know the sub had two people in it one who’s last name ended in Gry and the other lost a wallet somewhere.

When the sub came back it brought pie

The first time was manned via the Bathyscaphe Trieste. Didn’t know about the outer Plexiglass window cracking during the dive though

I heard it found 14 K of G in a F P D!

And later on a descendant of the Trieste Piccards commanded a starship named Enterprise - two, actually, since he broke one of them.

As sad is this event is… I did chuckle when I saw this.