Martin Hyde, you're a fucking idiot

Do you care to identify any of my “lies.” I have no idea what West Point was like in the 60s, I graduated in 1978 in case you are curious.

Furthermore, why would I lie about day to day life at West Point? You do realize that there are a multitude of websites out there that explain what life at West Point is like, if I really was a big liar like askeptic said, I’d have resources at my disposal to make my lies more plausible.

I may have gone too far in what I said.

West Point isn’t like any other college, at the same time though, there are more similarities than most people realize and that’s sort of what I wanted to convey in the post of mine that you were referencing. In a regular week the focus really was on academics. I guess my experiences may not have been “regular college student” but I do think academically speaking they were very similar, and that’s what I was trying to convey. That I was cramming for tests and such just like every one else. I also was required to participate in a sport, dress a certain way, maintain my room a certain way, and march and participate in more “cadet” activities.


Can you elaborate for those of us playing along at home?

You know, fuck you.

I could care less who you know or where you’ve been. You were never a cadet thus I can’t imagine why I should justify your criticisms and assertions. You’re making claims about something you know nothing about, and I was an idiot for even replying to them at all.

Well Dr. Jerkyll clearly got it.

So, we’re done here? Or I guess we’re gonna spend another 6 pages getting him to change the tense of the verb?

I said I was an idiot for one post, not anything else I’ve said here on the SDMB.

If you want to twist my words to claim victory, do it.

I don’t care. This pitting was so the SDMB could crucify a conservative, you’ve had your crucifixion and I hope you all enjoyed it. Yeah that’s right, I just martyred myself. Don’t like it? Don’t care.

I know I did, it just showed me how right I truly am about this place, and how justified my comments that inspired this pitting were.

Yes, run along now.

You may want to ask yourself why Pittings of other conservatives don’t receive as much rancor. Bricker’s a conservative, i disagree with him most of the time, but I don’t dislike him . John Mace and UncleBeer are as well. There are plenty of conservatives that are involved in threads that do not generate the kind of ire that you apparently do.

Don’t try to frame this as a Pitting of conservatives. It is a Pitting of one dumb motherfucker, you. Not for your political beliefs but for the arrogance and ignorance you seem to revel in.

The way I read this:

1.- Martin Hyde is (or was) a member of the armed forces
2.- Martin Hyde has very strong religious beliefs
3.- Martin Hyde doesn’t like non-religious people
4.- During his service the chaplain corps provided strong spiritual support and he can’t envision an army without it
5.- He is appalled at the idea that anyone would even THINK about removing the chaplain corps from the army… and also believes it should be paid by the government

… all well and good, but not an unbreakable logical argument, just a very strong one to mantain the corps.

Dude, not even you really believe that. Count the conservatives on this board. Now count the pittings they’ve received. Now, count how many have been as unanimous as this one. Now go away.

You have already received our permission to go. So go already.

This thread isn’t even about the argument, though, it’s about the viewpoint that “What I think is right and everyone who disagrees with me is lesser than I for holding that view.”

What I find really funny is that he turns around and accuses us of doing the same thing by “crucifying a conservative”.

– Post 241

– Post 254

Well, now. Make up your mind.

FinnAgain, I was laughing at Martin’s description of what sounds like any military academy for twelve year olds.

Martin, I forgive your “anti-religious” verbal assault on me. When you have some sense of integrity, you won’t be that angry with everyone else.

Zoe Phithian-Thayer (Name ring a bell?)

You’re absolutely correct. I just was trying to clarify (even if only to myself) where Hyde is coming from.

The thing is, he seems to be one of those people who are constitutionally unable to understand anyone’s point of view, or, for that matter, to argue a point. So, having convinced himself of the validity of his concept, it turns into an absolute. And you can argue until you drop and he still wouldn’t give you even half an inch.

That is indeed the thing. He suffers from a persecution complex too, which is unfortunate. If he opened up his eyes a little he’d see we really don’t want to hate him. Well, I don’t, at least. Unfortunately I don’t have a choice.

I think most people, Bricker and John Mace and et al don’t recognize how patently insane this place is. Or maybe they just feel it would be wrong to point out to the madhouse the nature of its residents.

I don’t feel that way.

3, 4 are not true.

5 is a mixed bag. I’m not easily appalled, I just recognize what motivations exist when people oppose the chaps.


Again this idiocy. Do you think that Bricker and John Mace don’t catch flack, not because they aren’t oh-so-brave and willing to point out the ‘madness’ of the Dope like you are, but because they’re not inflamatory idiots like you?

You have yet to show, even once, how bigotry must necessarily follow from or lead to opposition of the chaplain program. Not once have you showed that. You have evaded. You have avoided. You have obfuscated. You have had the nerve to compare yourself to Martin Luther King Jr. But as of yet you have simply been cowardly and inflamatory.

Will you finally even attempt to point out how the motivation of opposing the chaplain program must, by necessity, stem from bigotry?

Or are you going to continue to make blatantly untrue and inflamatory statements that you don’t and won’t even attempt to support… in order that you may continue to bait and annoy people?