Math formatting test

2 [SUP]1[/SUP]/[SUB]2[/SUB]






3x   x
-- = -
15   5


3x    x
-- = -
15   5


s = (v[SUB]x[/SUB][SUP]2[/SUP]+v[SUB]y[/SUB][SUP]2[/SUP])[SUP]0.5[/SUP]

[NOPARSE]s = (v[SUB]x[/SUB][SUP]2[/SUP]+v[SUB]y[/SUB][SUP]2[/SUP])[SUP]0.5[/SUP][/NOPARSE]

Still trying to work out how to put a fraction with formatting on the non-leftmost term in a statement. Also for some reason [NOPARSE]

[/NOPARSE] tags don’t preserve line breaks, while [NOPARSE]

[/NOPARSE] does.


The problem with CODE tags is a bug in the new theme.


(well it just needed said :slight_smile: )

The PHP tags mangle a lot of other stuff. CODE works fine, as long as the reader disables SultanBugs in the menu at the lower left of an SDMB page.

BigT has submitted a fix for the SultanBugs/CODE bug that could be implemented in less than a minute. Assuming the SDMB consultant charges $600 per hour, that’s $10. I’ll contribute $2; can we get 16 other Dopers to contribute 50¢ each?

Huh. It very much surprises me that font=“monospace” works. I could have sworn I’d tried it before, and the HTML font tags wouldn’t do fallback fonts. (Monospace isn’t actually a font, but a fallback to whatever is the default monospace font is in your browser/OS.)

Cool. I will use that anytime I need monospace from now on, instead of specifying a specific font. Heck, I wonder if I could work out a way to add monspace, serif, and sans-serif to the font dropdown box.

Maybe one day we’ll get L[sup]A[/sup]T[sub]E[/sub]X support. Eh, who am I kidding?

               2*a                xπ*
*saw(x,a,p)* = - ── arctan ( cot ( ── ) )
               *π                 p*


               2*a                xπ*
*saw(x,a,p)* = - ── arctan ( cot ( ── ) )
               *π                 p*


Thanks, this works much better after switching to the theme “Straight Dope 3.7.3”.


Nothing online really supports L[sup]A[/sup]T[sub]E[/sub]X. Some sites have a MathML add-on that can take it as input, but the only way to deliver it to a browser is for the site to convert it to an image, which is sub-optimal. So far as I know, no browser supports MathML or L[sup]A[/sup]T[sub]E[/sub]X natively.

You mean that MathJax plugin? It works OK if you have Javascript enabled and your browser isn’t too old.

Never heard of L[SUP]A[/SUP]T[SUB]E[/SUB]X before, but I imagine you can convert that to formatted plaintext* and then copy the output into [NOPARSE]

[/NOPARSE] tags.

A quick search found a program called dvitty[1] from 1986, although I haven’t tested it since I run Windows and don’t feel like porting.

*Not an oxymoron, I swear! Monospaced plaintext with special characters.


[1] CTAN: /tex-archive/dviware/dvitty. (n.d.). Comprehensive T[SUB]E[/SUB]X Network. Retrieved from CTAN: /tex-archive/dviware/dvitty

Firefox does a pretty decent job of supporting MathML natively. A colleague and I are working on an online textbook that uses some custom Javascript to convert (a large subset of) LaTeX to MathML on the fly and the results are good in Firefox. For other browsers we have to use other solutions.

That’s not going to do what you think it will. I don’t know what you are trying to type in, but just pretend it’s 1965 and all you have is a monospace typewriter.

∅∉S ⇒ ∃f : ∀c∈S, f©∈c

Sort of like [NOPARSE]

[/NOPARSE] tags, yeah? ASCII art in spoiler, which although tedious would print just fine on a teletype or telex back in the day. Although you would have to split it into two pages or print it sideways.



Much easier to type 2½ (alt+0189 on the keypad if you’re a Windows user).

Good point.


⅓ ⅔ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞

No direct access to those but they can be copied from the Character Map.

Thirds and eighths in case only boxes show for anyone.


      / 1    2[SUP]3[/SUP]⎛     3⎞²
σ =  /  ─ ·  **Σ** ⎜X[SUB]*i*[/SUB] - ─⎟ 
    √   2[SUP]3[/SUP]  *i*=1⎝     2⎠ 


  / 1    2[SUP]3[/SUP]⎛     3⎞²

σ = / ─ · Σ ⎜X[SUB]i[/SUB] - ─⎟
√ 2[SUP]3[/SUP] i=1⎝ 2⎠



      / 1    2[SUP]3[/SUP]      3  
σ =  /  ─ ·  **Σ** (X[SUB]*i*[/SUB] - ─)²
    √   2[SUP]3[/SUP]  *i*=1      2  


  / 1    2[SUP]3[/SUP]      3  

σ = / ─ · Σ (X[SUB]i[/SUB] - ─)²
√ 2[SUP]3[/SUP] i=1 2 [/CODE[/NOPARSE]

I had to read this like a dozen times over the course of several days before realizing it was the Axiom of Choice. Even to the point of understanding the meaning and thinking “eh, that doesn’t look right to me, but maybe.” Eventually it clicked.

Except for sets containing empty sets, there must be a function that we can apply to each member set that picks an element of that member. Or not, as the case may be.

Are there any proofs that require the AoC to be false? Not just failing to assert its truth, of course, but requiring that there is at least one S that cannot have an f?

More from the character map:

½ ⅓ ¼ ⅕ ⅙ ⅐ ⅛ ⅑ ⅒
⅔ ⅖
¾ ⅗ ⅜

⅚ ⅝