I am looking for a specific maths symbol meaning inversley proportional. I have done some searching on Google but I cannot find one specific symbol to mean that. If anyone could post a link to a site which shows such a symbol that would be great.
Back in high school, we used α (that’s supposed to be greek letter alpha) for directly proportional, and 1/α for inversely proportional.
There is no symbol for inversely proportional. It would be rather confusing, I think.
Just use
A <alpha> 1/B
Just to be a pedant, that’s not an alpha, it just plays one on TV.
You can compare the symbols in Word’s Insert > Symbol dialog. Alpha is column 10, row 2; the proportion symbol is column 10, row 5 (at least on my computer; if these don’t work for you, look among the Greek characters and the math symbols, respectively).