Okay, I must have just taken a header off the turnip truck, but evidently I missed the “Simpsons” episode wherein Maude Flanders kicked it, and I guess references thereto have gone over my head. When did this happen? Why? Isn’t it sort of a morbid thing to do?
My understanding is that Maudes’ voice person wanted to quit.
How she died:
The Flanders and the Simpsons were both at a race track (cars). sitting in bleachers, Flaners’ in the top row, Simpson’s in the next row down. Mr. Flanders sent the Missus off to buy hot dogs (and not those foot longs)
The race track had a team of buxom ladies handing out t-shirts by shooting them out of hand held cannons (they later did a 21 tshirt salute at the funeral). Homer, wanting 2 shirts, painted a target on his belly.
Just as Maude was returning with the dogs, the girls aimed and shot the t-shirts, Homer bent down. Maude gets hit and tumbles backward off the bleachers.
I guess ya had to be there.
We talked about it in these two threads:
I think it happened much earlier this year, don’t remember exactly when.
She must’ve died a happy woman, however, for that episode also shows us that Ned Flanders is packin’ a monster tool in those innocent-looking slacks. That gag pretty much made the show, for me.
I just the other day saw this episode in re-runs on my local Fox affiliate. Yep, Ned’s packin’ a mighty large sausage.
Speaking of death…before Maude, I know that Bleeding Gums Murphy and Dr. Marvin Monroe kicked the bucket (according to a Simpsons’ clip show). Now, the episode in which Bleeding Gums dies I’ve seen many times. But I haven’t seen (and no one can tell me) the episode in which Dr. Monroe died. How did he die?
Gee, I missed that. Please describe the scene so I can check it out in re-runs.
I know that Ned didn’t want a foot long hot dog cause it makes him feel inadequate.
Homer was surreptitiously taping a video of Ned for submission to a dating service. He surprised Ned in the shower, and there was Ned’s endowment. It was censored (blurred out) but you could tell it was extra large.
His death was never shown on-screen. It was implied when they showed a hospital called the “Doctor Marvin Monroe Memorial Hospital” or some such. You almost never see memorials for someone who isn’t dead. It was made a certainty when, during Maude’s funeral, they showed his tombstone.
Man it was freaking huge. It was danglin down by his knees!
Remember when Homer made that videotape of Ned for the dating service? One scene on the tape was Ned in the shower. His gargantuan unit is covered by the “mosaic” effect they use to mask faces on Cops, but it’s clearly hangin’ down to his knees.
From the alt.tv.simpsons FAQ:
STupid sexy Flanders!