May We Have Some Updates, Please?

Oh, honey. I am SO relieved to hear you and your sweet guy are okay. :slight_smile:
Things here are good…much, much better than a couple of years ago. I thank God every single day of my life that I got out (of the very bad marriage) while I still had a little sanity and a little self-respect left. The ex is on a more even keel now, too, so I don’t have to be afraid of delivering papers on those dark back streets like I was for a while.
I could ramble, but I’ll stop for now. Just know that you and yours have been in my thoughts all this time.

What a nice thread this is. The picture of Baby Erin and the bear cracked me up, and seeing Emma Kate doing so well at two and a half makes me wonder where the time went.

There was an announcement, let me see if I can find it without killing any hamsters… yep, here ya go. No pics online, though. I may be paranoid, but the idea of putting my kids pics up on the web skeeves me out. Maybe one day.

Speaking of babies, it’s great to hear good news from evilbeth and kal and washte. Hurray for healthy, happy bunchkins!


As I want to find out if inkleberry did pick a new last name.

From this thread, I was wondering how things were going for Blonde, Salem and Shannablu.

Also, I haven’t seen Qazzz around since the alien/sister thing.

Scylla, did you ever vanquish the Evil Nazi Groundhogs?

(I’ve been a lurker for a LONG freakin’ time)

I think Scylla sold the farm.

As long as he didn’t buy the farm.

Where is Scylla anyway? I haven’t seen the name around for at least a month.

I don’t believe he’s returning. I might start a new thread shortly just to beg him, and other classic dopers, to stay. It’s sad, but true, that we will lose some great posters after the switch.

::bump:: Back after two week vacation and wondered what was happening.
Cute kid Kal.
I’d still love to hear from hyperjes.

Thanks for asking, Misstee. The future ex did finally move out about three weeks ago, nearly six months after he had agreed to a separation. (And nearly four years after I first told him I wanted a separation…long story). Because of his past behavior, I anticipated much worse than what it’s been so far. He is still trying to maintain some control over me, but so far has limited his verbal abuse to a few later night phone calls when he’s clearly had a few (never when he has had the kids with him). The next morning he has been apologetic. Typical behavior pattern from him, but now I can just hang up and the kids aren’t around to hear it. :slight_smile:
It’s been an adjustment period for everyone now that he is physically in another space and the kids are doing the “to Dad’s” thing. Overall, so far, it seems to be going well, we are more relaxed in the house and he seems to be more patient and actively involved when he has the kids at his place. He’s actually taken them for hikes in the woods and things of that sort. Prior to this, he would spend his non-work time “holding down the couch” while watching tv and yelling at the kids if they weren’t quiet. :rolleyes:
Legally speaking, I have not filed or made an appointment with a mediator yet. He knows it is my intention, but when the reality of it hits him, I’m concerned about his reaction. There have already been some nasty things said. I’m afraid of things getting out of hand when he knows there’s no hope. It’s a difficult hurdle to get over, even though I know it needs to be done. Part of me says let him get used to the idea and adjust to the situation, part of me says get it over with as quickly as possible. He is still not able to see his role in the dissolution of our marriage and is looking to blame me and external factors. The fact that his first wife left him for the exact same reasons seems to be lost on him. But, at least things are moving in a positive direction and I hope we can continue to be mostly civil, which he really has been overall, and keep the kids in the forefront of the discussions.

How did that wedding turn out, you ask?

Well, it basically turned out fine, save for few things that were really minor.

Thankfully, most of my sister’s friends did make the list after some persuasion tactics were employed. The contest over which parent could get the most friends to attend was really inconsequential in the end. My mom’s friends stuck to one side of the room and my dad’s friends stayed mostly entrenched on the other side. There were enough people not caught in the middle to make it quite the social event, with plenty of dancing and partying. It was actually one of the most fun weddings I’ve ever been to.

We had a bit of a scare at the end of the night when my Dad kind of disappeared. I scooped up my GF at the time and took a ride over to his house, which was only a couple blocks away, and found his truck in the driveway, so he made it home alive.

Heh. It’s funny how things turn out. On the day you posted this question (3/24), I concieved my son (a very surprise son, I may add). Anyway, this was the catalyst for me getting married to his father. Now I have a new surname- Austin-Small. Though hyphenated, the entire thing is my husband’s name.

Did iampunha every marry his bunny?

Salem, hope things are continuing to progress in a direction that’s best for you and the kids.


Is there a link to the original story? I teach martial arts as well and stories like this are good.

Post #9 in this thread had the link, or you can go directly to Hope You Enjoyed Jail, Overaggressive Security Pipsqueak.

How ya doin’, Aesiron? Hangin’ in there?