So this Navy officer apparently duct taped her children together so that she could go to work and leave them alone in the house.
Maybe Kerry’s “botched joke” was accurate.
(Obviously, I’m kidding. I support our troops. I’ve got friends in every branch. It’s just funny that this comes out so soon after the Kerry incident.)
I guess this could devolve into political discussion, but I really didn’t want to start a debate so I put it in here. I don’t even know what we could debate. It’s just funny.
I’m sorry. I just hate how these things get started. It was not a botched joke. He clearly was making fun of W.
People repeating it like the OP just keep adding to the pile of BS we get stuck with. Gore never claimed he invented the Internet, Jimmy Carter didn’t say “malaise”, Dan Rather didn’t have faked documents, etc. (Notice a trend?)
The thread title is basically “fighting words” in political debate terms.
No, it’s not funny. Two children, 2 and 3 years old, were left, duct taped together, amid feces and cereal alone for hours. It is many things. Funny is not one. I hope she gets jail time and dishonorably discharged.
Here is a thread in which Kerry’s desparate 'splainin away is nicely picked apart. Yes, Kerry claimed that he was slamming Bush; no, that assertion doesn’t hold together.
Oh, bull. Are you seriously claiming that Kerry intentionally said, in a speech that he KNEW would eventually find its way to the 'net and every major news outlet, that if you don’t do well in school you’ll be stuck in Iraq, and that therefore only dummies end up in the armed forces?
I mean, he’s not a great politician by any stretch, and I’m not saying he’s any type of genius… but saying that he’d commit political suicide like that is a real stretch. It’s a far simpler explanation to say that he screwed up the punchline of a joke intended for Bush.
Besides… that assertion isn’t “nicely picked apart” in that thread. It’s asserted, loudly, by a few posters, with everyone else saying, “I don’t think that means what you think it means.”
If you’ve got a problem with Kerry, or any other politician, then tear them apart on the issues. Don’t rely on single lines taken out of context.
Is it just me or does 7 months to establish whether or not this lady taped up her kids and left them in a pile of cereal and excrement seem a little excessive?
Every one knows,I think, that the military is an option more for thise without a variety of choices. The regular military that is. The reservists in now are mostly a higher class group. These weekend warriors generally didnt expect to get called into endless combat. It was a way of serving and picking up a few bucks on the side. The rules have changed now. The soldiers dying are much older that the Nam deaths. More 30-40 s than I saw years ago.
This is not your grandpas military.
He was trying to make fun of W, but he botched it. It’s not an either/or, it’s both. I saw the part of the speech where it happened, he clearly was tripping over his words and if I remember correctly looked down at his paper to try to get it back on track. In fact, he almost looked like Bush does when he gives a speech!
Not in exactly those words, no, but he did say he “took the initiative” in creating the internet IIRC. Basically the same thing.
He did give a speech that’s widely refered to as the “malaise” speech, and for good reason. This is also a nice single word which fairly summarizes the time he was president.
Yes he certainly did. He even admitted this and apologized for it, albeit after a very long delay.
You can’t just pretend your team never makes mistakes by wishing it all away. These things did happen. There might be more complex explinations to them than a quick phrase can include, but these things are real and aren’t just figments of conservative boogeymen’s imaginations.
While I understand the OP was just a throwaway joke meant to comment on a non-Bush/Kerry-related story (and thus, meant no offense), I don’t see much hope for this thread getting back on track; and since it doesn’t really belong anywhere else (not mean enough for the Pit, and not debatey enough for GD), I think it’s done for the day.