Mayor Bloonberg just made me laugh

The Mayor just us his fellow New Yorkers to help security by not bringing baby carriages or briefcases into the subway system.

What? No cavity searches?!

The usual mediocrity from a weak willed civil service bureaucrat. :rolleyes:

No briefcases or baby buggy’s, eh?

How about back packs, cardboard boxes, luggage, plastic bags, shopping bags…

What’s next, nudist-only subway rides?

Well, that’ll make for a fun rush hour.

And yet some people want to nominate him for president.

To get him out of New York?

Ummm, I don’t care much for Bloomberg, but I don’t think he said any such thing (unless you have a quote?). Here is the story:

I don’t know about Bloomberg, but that’s the word from Commissioner Kelly:

Want to hear something fun? I got out of work, went to the gym for some cardio, and, right there on 20th Street, fourteen miles from home, saw the blazing red-banner announcement and conference with the mayor on CNN on the gym TVs. Yipes.

My route home took me right through Penn Station and Times Square, and I had my big black knapsack o’ bom–I mean gym clothes. Aside from a cop riding the 2 train from 14th to 96th, nothing different to be seen. Five baby carriages (strollers) got on or off, though, complete with babies and mommies, two at Times Square, so they’re still letting them on.

Belive it or not, mothers are still given deference on the subways and usually get seats and plenty of room (and the baby is cooed at if it’s cute, although a lot are sorta sullen from the noise). I would have no trouble believing some terrorist would use this to get right in the middle of a car. If I were them, though, I’d get on up near me or out in Brooklyn–dozens of outer-boro mothers take kids to charter Manhattan schools during rush hour, and often with strollers with baby brothers or sisters along.

After Madrid and London, I put nothing past these fanatics. I don’t see what else the mayor can do. If I see a stroller without a baby nearby, I’m reporting it. But the subway is the only way us poorer folks and merchants can get purchases home–nobody can afford a $25 cab ride from midtown to the central or northern Bronx.

Hell how about just voting him out? Too bad the other option is Freddie Ferrer. Actually I know nothing about Freddie Ferrer other than I haven’t heard anyone who actually likes him.

Also, about the extra police presence. Anyone besides me notice all the rookie cops with their wobbly posture and puffy cheeks running around? I was commenting on the presence of so many rookie cops to my friend the other day.

You might be right. I was listening to the radio version of a tv news show. They announced Mayor Bloomberg held a press briefing and then I heard the anouncement. Not being able to see who was speaking and not being all that familiar with his voice, he might have yielded the mike. :smack:

Guys in Hazmat suits are in the Amtrak and northwestern sections of Penn Station. They’ve closed off Amtrak to new boarding (although people already down there are getting trains) and who knows what’ll happen to the Eighth Ave. subway.

Not on CNN website yet, but on their TV station.

Yay!!! Isn’t it wonderful that now that Bush’s ratings are dipping they get some nice glamor shots to show on national TV of New Yorkers being scared. I love how this works, the entire country gets to get all worked up and incensed about America being attacked, when deep down in their hearts they know that New York isn’t really the same America they live in anyway, so they’re safe. They get to be jingoistic jackasses, we have to suffer, what a cushy gig.


Turns out that they were responding to a hoax:

Someone mixed green dye and sodium hydroxide in a pop can and left it out foaming.

Some people are morons.

Whew. Assholes.

Whoever said it, I’m having trouble understanding why it would make you laugh. He’s not suggesting that we leave our children and office-work at home, and still go to work on the subway, you know. All he’s saying is that you might want to take a cab or walk if you have any of those things. I know the subway is integral to the city but there are other ways of getting around.