To my surprise yesterday, I saw “Medal of Honor: Rising Sun” is out in stores already. I had to buy it and its awsome. I think I creamed my pants when I saw the Pearl Harbor level.
I am eagerly awaiting the PC version.
What happens on the Pearl Harbor level?
I can’t imagine too much as far as player participtation goes.
The commercial out for it is genius.
for PC gamers. I seriously suggest you take a gander at Call of Duty.
The original guys at EA who did much of the developement of Medal of Honor left EA to make this game.
For any MoH fan, this game plays very similar, but with better graphics, and the squad AI and weapons effects are awesome.
free online too, just like MoH
I picked it up thursday and it’s a good time, so far. The Pearl Harbor level is pretty fun as well. You start out in your bunk and basically have to navigate your way topside. Along the way, you have jump over obstructions, help put out fires, and duck under electrical wires.
You eventually make your way to the top and you grab a turret gun and start trying to shoot down some planes. After this is completed, you end up on a boat that is escorting the Nevada, basically manning the huge guns and shooting down as many planes as you can.
There is also some really good multiplayer stuff you can do, both cooperative and vs. My friends and I spent about 3 hours last night playing the vs. mode and it was an absolute blast, but not appreciably different than most FPS vs. modes.
It’s good, but I still prefer “SOCOM II”
Sounds great!
…Now all I have to do is wait 3 years for the Mac version to come out. :mad:
Well then your up for a LOOOOOONG wait, cause it ain’t coming! (You still waiting for MOH:Frontline? )
There will, however, be a pacific MOH-game out for PC next year, but it’s a different storyline altogether; the game is called “Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault”.
Kind of disappointed with Call of Duty. While it has a handful of classic missions, it has a good chunk of exactly what we don’t need more of: linear, by-yourself shoot-em-up levels. There’s even a freaking sewer-crawl level, my most hated of all game cliches. All the game’s most intense parts are scripted, and one’s choices on how to approach a level are generally very, very limited. It’s certainly not a thinking, tactical action game. Fun, sure, with some very, very good individual missions, but all this stuff about amazing squad tactics is basically hype.