Medication induced sexual disfunction support group thread

I’m sure I’m not the only one. My sex drive, on a scale of 0 - 10, is about a -4. This is actually up from the -15 or so it was a year ago. Sex not only holds no interest for me, it seems fairly annoying. In fact, until my husband and I started trying to make another baby a couple of weeks ago (the importance of which overrides my personal mood, IMO), we hadn’t had sex in a couple of years.

For me it is my antidepressant, Celexa. It is mildly better than the Paxil I was taking before it for 5 years. I need this medication because I’m bipolar… and believe me, you don’t want to see me when I go down.

Apparently the drug Wellbutrin is supposed to be much better for this… however you can’t take it if you have any history of seizure at all. I had one episode where I had two seizures (one right after the other) but it was totally medically induced (not on purpose). My psychiatrist says that is enough to exclude me from taking Wellbutrin. I almost wish I’d lied to him at this point. Sigh.

Fortunately for me I have a husband who is extremely sensitive and sympathetic and doesn’t press the issue… but I imagine not all men are like that…

Anyway… anyone else out there going through this?

Hey Opal, I am taking Paxil so I know exactly what you mean. Have you ever been told of anyway to counteract the effects of the meds? Maybe some investigation is in order for me anyway.
Good luck trying for the new baby.

You might want to read this.

The birthcontrol I had been on was like a cement highway over my sex drive, but because of all the cysts I was getting they just recently switched my prescription and it’s gradually coming back.

Whether that’s a good thing or not at nineteen, I’ve yet to find out.

Amen to that, Opal!

I’ll be chiming in later with more comment since I was just browsing while eating my breakfast sandwich. Now I have to get to some work.

Been on Prozac for quite a while now.

I’ve been dealing with this for many years. Fortunately, my husband understands the nature of the problem, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t frustrating. On the other hand, considering the rip-roaring sex drive I had before medication, the current situation probably accounts for the fact that this one is my most enduring marriage.

In general, my experience has been that the only meds that work for the bipolar, all have had this effect.

If your SO has this problem, you might want to talk to his/her physician if you haven’t already. It can be difficult to understand that it’s not personal; and that it is a med side effect.

If you have this problem, you may need to make sure that your SO is assured of your love for him/her. As with any aspect of a relationship this is a two way street.

It’s a bummer, but not as bad as being unmedicated for some of us.

Good luck and best wishes to all.

I’ve been dealing with this for many years. Fortunately, my husband understands the nature of the problem, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t frustrating. On the other hand, considering the rip-roaring sex drive I had before medication, the current situation probably accounts for the fact that this one is my most enduring marriage.

In general, my experience has been that the only meds that work for the bipolar, all have had this effect.

If your SO has this problem, you might want to talk to his/her physician if you haven’t already. It can be difficult to understand that it’s not personal; and that it is a med side effect.

If you have this problem, you may need to make sure that your SO is assured of your love for him/her. As with any aspect of a relationship this is a two way street.

It’s a bummer, but not as bad as being unmedicated for some of us.

Good luck and best wishes to all.

well, between the articles in Salon and Old Broads comments, I’ve realized that there’s nothing to look forward to and no hope of joy. I would have preferred to have been left a little hope.