So I have either a mild case of this year’s flu, or a really bad cold. So I spent the last 2 days of what was supposed to be vacation in NYC lying half-conscious and feverish on my dad’s sofa, and then another 2 days lying half-conscious and feverish on my own sofa (where at least I had the cat for company, and my stepmom wasn’t following me around spraying Lysol on everything I touched. Plus normal food – there is no normal food at Dad’s house, what with all the gluten-free, dairy-free, flavor-free, sodium-free crapola. But I digress.)
But this morning I decided that so what if I’m still dizzy and woozy and lethargic and foggy upstairs, I’ve missed too much work, and so as the fever is gone, I must drag my sorry butt back into the office, fuzzy-headed as I am, and oozing though I may be from my sinuses. At least there is a quick remedy for oozing sinuses, and easily available, too. So I pop the recommended adult dosage of the Osco generic version of Day-Quil.
An hour later, the sinuses are clearing, which is good. However, my heart is now going about 180 beats a minute, and I’m dizzy, and my hands are shaking. Aaaargh! Why does everything have to have uppers in it? And why do I have to be so darn sensitive to uppers? Stupid misbehaving mitral valve! Is there anything I can do to counteract this? Should I just go home and crawl into bed? I have too much crap on my desk for this!
Thanks for putting up with my rant. Or not. Minor in the general scheme of things, I know. Anyway, I’m not making any sense, so please humor me.
Well, I’m glad you’re starting to feel a little better, at least. I haven’t been feeling too well today either, so a couple minutes ago I popped some sudafed and now I’mfeelinggreatreallygreatIcan’timaginelifewithoutthesekindsofdrugstomakemefeelbetter’causeifeelgreatandlookattheprettyfushiabutterflywhoistellingmetodancelikeawhirlingdervishandiwillbutwaitcomebackbutterflypleasedontleavemeiloveyoubutterflyillcallyoubetsythebutterflyandyoullbemybestestfriendforever…
Well I just read an article on Fark about a woman’s skin peeling off in sheets after having an alergic reaction to a common antibiotic. She was recovering from a sinus infection.
Great. I’m currently on an antibiotic to get rid of a sinus infection. THAT image won’t be stuck in my mind for the next few weeks.
And I’m on the prescription form of Sudafed. It kept me up all night until I started taking it only once a day, and I still have no appetite. But I could stand to lose a few pounds, so no biggie.
I have mitral valve prolapse and I have the same problem. Unfortunately there’s nothing to be done except wait for that feeling like you are on crack to go away. It’s usually the pseudoephedrine in those products that does it. I am also real sensitive to chlorpheniramine maleate. Try a product without those. I use Claritin and 12-hour nose drops, and that works well enough to get me through.
I thought Claritin was only for allergy-induced congestion…for that, it’s the Nectar of the Gods.
Maybe I should have a chat with my friendly doctor or pharmacist…it’s been a while since I got my U.S. RDA of Armenian jokes, anyway. Maybe he can give me something not OTC which won’t wig me out like this.
I’m currently using inhalers to counteract damage to my lungs from coughing so much during the flu. (I literally had coughing fits). But the inhalers have nasty-assed side effects too. One causes anxiety attacks and dry mouth (Sahara mouth) and the other just messes with my sleep patterns (wakes me up every hour all night long).
If I Ever find out who the Genius is a SmithKleinGlaxo who OK’d these side effects as acceptable, I’ll de-pants him or her in the center of Rockafeller Plaza and give 'em a ‘SEREVENT discus’ suppository…