I think it's about time to pit the flu.

'cause I know I have it. I’m a coughy (but not yet sneezy), phlemy (but not drippy), achey tottering bundle of slow-moving aggrevation.

Best of all, I got it from my brother, so I’ve seen some of the possible future symptoms. (My favourites - not being able to get off the couch for hours, and strangely enough, pupils that are way not evenly dialated. :dubious: )

I kinda wanted to do some soldering, but I"m down to contemplating why I’m not supposed to take ibuprofen with acetaminophen.

I see I’m too much an invalid to even have inserted a gratuitous “felch” in my OP. I leave that to my fellow contageous bretheren.
For those not currently afflicted, I provide you with some paper masks: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

And I got my flu shot in October. Before Halloween, my immune system had been adequately informed of the risk and is now camping out in my lymph nodes and mucus membranes saying `Who wants some?’ to any passing viruses.

“Haw haw!”
– Nelson


I just had the flu a couple of weeks ago. It really, really sucked. I could barely move, and just spent all day lying on the couch, staring into space or at bad daytime tv. My fever hit 102 at one point. What made it even worse was that Mrs. Giraffe was out of town all week, so I was home alone, and I just had surgery on my nose a few weeks before which took a few days to recover from, so I was already really sick of lying around the house.

Fuck you, flu!

My throat is hurting so badly right now that I cannot sleep, even though I am totally exhausted… from being woken up at 5am by the selfsame sore fucking throat. It feels like a hot ice pick is being jammed into my tonsil. I just squirted nose drops up my nose, which means I can breathe now but the eucalyptus crap in the nose drops is BURNING my stupid throat.

I may well have strep and not the flu, but I’m too sick to start a thread Pitting strep. Virus, bacteria, it’s all a pain in the ass. Or throat, or whatever.

Neener, neener, neener. We TOLD y’all to get the flu shot, but nooooo, you didn’t want any of that. Now you’re gonna pay through the nose!

I would have loved to get a flu shot but I’m allergic to eggs.

Over the last week I have had the body aches, sore throat, coughing, sneezing and moments of complete fatigue - two days were spent sleeping on and off all day, waking up for fluids and aspirin.

Also, at some point my sinuses were filled with mucilage. Even with the lotion laced tissues, I have still managed to blow my nose raw and it’s still stuffy. If only I could rig a small enough hose to my shop vac and clear it once and for all…

Lynn, you can have whatever you get outta my nose. :stuck_out_tongue:

I went out (ugh) and got some Fisherman’s Friend (Flashy), which, if it doesn’t contain enough menthol to kill this thing, will at least have enough to kill me. :smiley:

Ah, then I have sympathy for YOU. I’ll also pass you a nice mug of homemade chicken broth, if you aren’t allergic to THAT.

I just finished battling the flu myself a couple weeks ago. Woke up feeling a little off, but my temp was normal despite the chills and goosebumps. Took my temp a couple hours later and I was up to 101. When it hit 102 my hubby went and hooked me up with some flu medicine love and Gatorade. I hadn’t been that sick and fevered since I had bronchitis back in '97. I decided that I didn’t miss having a fever a bit.

Maybe I’ll opt for the flu shot next fall.

Can I just raise my hand here and say that in 25 years of life, I’ve NEVER HAD THE FLU?

Don’t shoot me yet.

I get other weird crap instead.

[sub]Don’t ask.[/sub]

But for all you sufferers, I’ll offer up a FUCK YOU, FLU!

Count me in with the sickies. Freakin’ son of a bitch. I’m not sure what it is yet - I just have neck pain and a stuffy nose and my whole body feels like I’ve been hit by a truck - so it could either be the flu or one of my sinus infections. Either way, I am NOT a happy camper. It’s my first free weekend with nothing planned in WEEKS and I wanted to shop. Now it looks like I’ll be curled up in bed with a mug of tea watching soaps…on the other hand, that’s not so bad.

Can we just have a mass healing on the SDMB?


Don’t count your flu-chickens before they’re hatched. I had my first bout of the flu at 27 or 28, and it nearly killed me. Maybe not killed me, but I spent a full week in bed running high fevers and throwing up every two minutes. I lost over 10 pounds and looked so bad afterwards that when I returned to work a concerned co-worker discreetly asked me if I had AIDS.

Thank you.

The one bright spot in this week has been infecting my boss - he had me on deadline so I had to go to work and he had to keep me in his office for two hours Wednesday reviewing the project I had finished/giving me a new one, so it was karma’s little payback, IMO. :smiley: