Meenie7's invisible friend

I haven’t asked you to warn meenie. I don’t know that she’s breaking any rules but if she really sufferes from schizophrenia or some other psychotic condition, then it is not just some harmess personality quirk, and she should not be encouraged to believe that all is well.

Of course. But that’s all I’m doing as well.

I’m thinking no.

I have to admit, when I read the original thread I was a bit surprised that people were responding so normally to meenie’s story. Maybe it’s true, maybe it isn’t. Maybe she’s crazy. Maybe she’s pulling our legs. But she’s keeping it limited to that thread and unlike lekatt she’s not spewing shit in multiple threads, and she even admits her story sounds like BS and that she’s fine with people not believing. I think her story is weird and I’m not sure what to make of it, but rather than accuse her of being a liar or being insane I preferred to pass it over and get on with my day.

DtC has a right to be a dick, I suppose. As he likes to demonstrate as often as possible. At least it generates reading material. I always imagined being a dick would consume more energy that it’d be worth, but that’s just me.

Has it now become rude not to accept preposterous claims at face value?

She said she would submit to testing, just not right this second. Instead you start a pit thread about it. If you were truly concerned about meenie’s well-being, you could have sent a PM.

For my next wish, I’ll say that if you’re going to be a dick, at least own up to it. I actually like your balls-to-the-wall attitude Dio, but I hate it when you pretend you’re some infallible fellow.

You are aware that making up stories does not automatically mean “troll”, yes? Case in point: Master Wang-Ka.

No one asked you to accept it. That’s a far cry from being all bent out of shape that the Legions of Skepticism didn’t all leap in to eviscerate me.

Also, this?

Made me laugh hysterically. Thanks, Auto. :slight_smile:

So she says she’ll submit to a meaningless, unverifiable test sometimes at some indeterminate future date. Yeah, that pretty rigorous alright. :rolleyes:

Everything is rude to these idiots. I really feel like most of the people sticking up for meenie are just spoiling for a fight in some passive aggressive way. She’s obviously trolling and no one wants to call her out on it because she keeps putting smiley faces in her posts. And perhaps because it’s so erudite and open-minded to accept her whacked-out lies/“beliefs”.

In the slim-to-none-and-slim’s-got-one-foot-across-the-county-line chance that she actually believes this garbage, Diogenes is still serving a purpose by alerting her to the fact that she needs to have herself committed ASAP.

What is this, the National Institute of Dickface Sciences? Don’t you have hobbies? Can’t you just let someone be wrong on the internet, for the love of little apples?

If you’re posting in in GD, you’re submitting it for critique.

It’s not you being wrong that bothers me so much as the lapse of critical standards in the debate forum.

Yep, a perfectly functional person with a full time job, grad school plans and no other signs of mental illness should be committed to the boobie hatch over something that has so little impact on her public life that no one knows about it unless she tells them. Sure, dude.

Here’s a smilie just for you → :rolleyes:

Just give it up meenie. These guys have impressive stamina. They will keep this up for pages if you let them. It’s better to just drop the subject. Forgive and don’t forget, etc etc.

Thanks, Cisco. I always knew I liked you. :slight_smile:

True enough. :slight_smile:

Not like this thread showed me anything I didn’t already know about the OP and his friends, anyway. :slight_smile:

Heh – “no other signs of mental illness” except for the hallucinations. Other than that, how did you like the play, Mrs. Lincoln?

In all sincerity, you should talk to someone. It doesn’t mean you’re going to be committed, but people don’t live happily ever after with untreated schzo disorders.

For impartiality’s sake. you do need to lay off the smiley faces meens. It goes against the grain here.

Good point. I tend to use them when I’m nervous or I feel like what I say might make people mad or something. Sort of as a way to defuse the situation. But I have been overusing them in these threads and can stop.

Let’s see.

  1. Deluded and schizo.
  2. Deluded, but not schizo.
  3. A liar, and a SDMB troll, one who posts inflammatory statements to annoy or instigate a strong response.
  4. A liar, who likes the attention IRL.
  5. A bullshit artist.
  6. Somebody who likes the RL attention, but is not a committed fabricator. They just agree to disagree.

There are probably other variants.

I’ve merely skimmed the threads in question (you’ve been warned), but I’m guessing that it’s not #1 or #3. Recall the subset of psychic phonies who never received a dime for their reports, for example the sisters who photographed images of the Cottingley fairies.

FWIW, I can’t see the harm in meenie7 getting a professional assessment. Best to keep tabs on these things. IANAD, but I seem to recall Cecil writing about people who hallucinate but manage to function reasonably well. Heck, it could be sleep paralysis for all I know.

But the thing of it is, you have said repeatedly in the GD thread that you have kept Marcus to yourself precisely because you’re scared that your family/parents would think you’re insane. You even indicated that it would have real, serious effects on your life and you don’t want to deal with. The fear of this came through so strongly to me that I wondered if you had experience with being committed or at least dealing with mental health professionals. You’ve also admitted that you feel isolated and alone, and it’s difficult for you to form long-term, meaningful relationships (and the one living friend you have currently lives in CA which further increases your isolation). If I just give you the benefit of the doubt and accept everything you say at face-value, I would be concerned that maybe you aren’t a perfectly functional person (absent of the ghost issue).

Quite frankly, I don’t think you see ghosts, and I don’t think you’re delusional, and I don’t think you’re lying. I think you invented the perfect friend who would never leave you and the thought comforts you. That’s groovy for you. But you cannot expect to post about it on the SDMB (or really anywhere on the Internet) and not expect people to call you on it. Sorry, but that’s just not how it works.