I’d like to show off my new puppy Winter!
She’s a Cardigan Welsh Corgi.
Her name is short for Wintermute, we picked her up on the last day of winter, it seemed appropriate.
We’ve had her for a week and she’s such a wonderful dog.
She’s really getting the hang of the whole housebreaking thing and she’s sooo friendly she loves everyone.
I just wish she didn’t think that 5am is an appropriate time to start the day!
Good choice on the name. We once had a cat called Boxer. It was a warm day here on the day after Christmas when he wandered in and curled up under the tree. It was a week later before we decided he was going to keep us, but my wife had already decided on the name.
Aieeeeeeeeee! ← that’s the spelling of that high pitched squel that (some) women do when presented with something that breaks the cute meter.
She definitely triggered my puppilogical clock*! That is one adorable dog. Ohhhh, I bet she has puppy breath - I love puppy breath; I think it smells like coffee
*Most women have a biological clock. I don’t have a maternal bone in my body when it comes to baby humans, but puppies and kittens cause the same reaction in me that other women have described about babies.
Send in one of those pictures to Rate My Puppy . Living in a military dorm does have perks, but I’m very limited on pet choices. Perhaps a nice cuddly caged rat.
What about a betta? They can live in a bowl – do not believe the itty bitty “betta bowls” you see, a gallon bowl is fine and not too big – and are both pretty and interactive. I just got my first one yesterday (yes, I’m in that “New pet! Oh boy!” phase) and I swear the fish likes me. Every time I look at him he comes over and looks back.
Just don’t put two of them together. Eek.
To get back on topic, the puppy remains totally adorable. I love puppies. I don’t want one of my own (as much as I like dogs, I lack the dedication to put up with puppyhood) but they sure are cute.