Meg McLain, a radio host and blogger, claimsthat she was harassed quite badly while going through security at Fort Lauderdale airport last week. She claims, amongst other things, that she was single-out for a full body scan, handcuffed to a chair, had her ticket torn up and generally abused by TSA workers and cops. She also claims she didn’t want to get a body search (instead of the body scan) because they would “squeeze and twist” her breasts.
However, a videohas been released by the TSA which appears to debunk many of her allegations. Most of the TSA workers appear to be acting politely and not “screaming at the top of their lungs”; no TSA worker “grabbed her arm”; she doesn’t appear to be handcuffed to the chair at all; no one can be seen tearing up her ticket; and many other people of all shapes and sizes (not just “smokin’ hot chicks” as her colleague suggests) go through the body scanners.
There are other claims that don’t stack up either. Some people in the blogosphere suggest that the TSA has left out parts of the video and/or edited it. But still, she has pretty clearly embellished her story to make it sound much more dramatic - which IMHO is pretty stupid, as it screws up her credibility and makes it appear to be some sort of publicity stunt. Whatever her “cause” was, this doesn’t help.
Also, I’ve had a body pat down before at security and while I don’t have breasts, I’ve never heard of anyone being molested in the process.
I listened to her interview the other day and she was so clear on the details about how many TSA agents and cops were surrounding her, and how everyone was yelling at her, and that absolutely no one else went through the body scanner the whole hour she sat there, missing her plane. The video makes it pretty clear that not only did a steady stream of men and women go through the scanner, but that she sat there with her head turned towards the scanner, watching them. And there were only a handful of female TSA agents talking to her, and there was no escort of a dozen burly cops taking her out of the area. One TSA agent was even giving her paper towels to dry her tears with!
I can’t imagine why she would feel the need to embellish to such a huge degree. Did she not realize there might be video footage, and that the TSA might want to defend itself? Was this just a story to explain why she missed her plane that grew like Topsy until she found herself caught in her own web? She certainly has damaged any further credibility she has…if she even had any to begin with. I’ve never actually heard of her before. Is she even very well-known in the real world? Maybe this was a publicity thing to increase her numbers?
I also found it interesting that when the story broke many headlines were decidely one-sided:
“Airline Passenger Meg McLain Violated by TSA”
“Radio Host Cuffed for Refusing Full Body Scan”
“Meg McLain Harrassed by TSA”
“Meg McLain Singled out by the TSA, Cuffed to a Chair, Her Ticket Ripped up”
etc. etc.
This story irritates me in a lot of ways. There is no question that the current choice of the naked-making scanner or a physically invasive search is a problem, and much more so for certain demographics of travelers, and muddying up the issue with hyperbole helps no one. Shame on Ms. McLain and her on-air cohorts on this one.
Now she is saying that all the bad stuff (the handcuffs, the torn ticket) happened when they moved her to another chair out of camera range, though she does admit she misspoke about no one else going through the scanner…she “meant” that no one else was pulled over for secondary screening, even though we see several people getting pat-downs. She and the hosts of the show interviewing her have decided that their greater outrage is reserved for the TSA not having a timestamp visible on the videos, and the apparent lack of video of the other section of the screening area where she says the handcuffs and the twelve cops were. They have decided that possibly NOT having video of that area is a bigger issue, and they are also getting worked up about the quality of the video. Just minor things they are blowing up to major proportions to cloud the real issue.
It’s obvious that these interviewers are friendly with Meg and on her side of the issues she blogs about, though they do try to be reporters and ask her hard questions about the inconsistencies…but by telling her that the mainstream media is going to be asking her hard questions so they want to ask them first, sort of to prepare her. These are not unbiased interviewers. And I haven’t seen much of anything about this in the mainstream media, though I haven’t watched much news, either. It would have helped if she had actually watched the entire video before they interviewed her, though.
I heard the interview on Youtube a few days ago, and by the end I was starting to have some suspicions about her version of events. When she told the story, she made it sound like she put a halt to the TSA pat down after it became invasive. It was only later in the interview that she acknowledged she had refused the pat-down entirely. Well, that does kind of change things. She can’t refuse both the screening and the pat-down and expect TSA to be OK with that.
She and her co-workers also spent a lot of time on how she was a really hot chick and that’s why she was singled out for the scan. But the two pictures of her that accompanied the video did not show a body that would be worth singling out. Any time I’m in an airport I see plenty of women with much better shapes than hers.
Although I had my doubts about her just from her radio interview, having now watched the TSA video, I’m shocked at how her story diverged from the video evidence.
I’m just really surprised at the number of comments on the TSA blog saying that the videos confirm what she has said… Oh, wait, I’m more surprised that people visit the TSA blog.
Honestly, even if the story is true, I’m not sure its exactly a huge miscarriage of justice. She refused the screening process, so they pulled her aside, detained her, questioned her, tried to get her to agree to being screened and when she refused they destroyed her ticket (presumably to keep her from trying to get through security again without getting pulled out for secondary screening) and told her she couldn’t fly. That’s kind of what I’d expect TSA to do if someone refused to be searched.
Or the front. Or he can walk. Or take rollerblades. Whatever.
In my view, his fellow passengers on that flight he missed had one fewer jackass who think he’s the center of the world. I bet he wouldn’t even share the armrests fairly with his fellow row-mates.
He does sound like he entered the process with some sort of point to make. However, it is also interesting that after he was escorted out of the secure area, he was approached by somebody who told him that he had to return and if he didn’t, he faced a civil suit and a fine.
It sounds like the TSA doesn’t know what it’s doing–if he refuses the screening they deem necessary, they will deny him boarding and allow him to leave the secure area but in order for this to happen, he has to be screened before he can leave the airport? Sounds like some weird Catch-22!
I think that if you’re in the habit of making public declarations which might reasonably be construed as sympathetic towards people who have committed airline-related acts of terrorism, it’s probably pushing it a bit to try to get around the petty indignities that the rest of us consent to in the service of airport security.
Dude, just step through the scanner or submit to a proper pat-down and be damned glad you haven’t found yourself on the “No Fly” list. You’re not nearly sharp enough to go by “edge.”
Johnny Edge or whomever may be a complete and utter asshole, but these indignities are not petty, and they’re not in the service of airport or airline security. They’re a theatrical show that means little or nothing. And as usual, it is members of specific minority populations who are forced into an untenable situation that’s going to limit their freedom to travel.
I got a pat-down from the waist down the last time I flew, and to be perfectly honest, I barely felt it. Quite the non-event. Nobody copped a feel. Rejected once again…sigh.