Mel Brooks' History of the World Part I

One of my favorite scenes in the movie is when the old blind man in prision is setting the dead birds free. That still kills me every single time.


Uggh…Wash this…

It had its moments, but the piece as a whole was flat. Mel put all of his energy into the Roman segment and it showed.

I dunno, I liked the endings to Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles.

I still think the funniest scene in History is when Gregory Hines is pretending to be a eunuch in the harem.

Roman Guard: “The jig is up!”
Gregory Hines: “And gone!”

MADAME DEFARGE: [orating to a crowd] We are so poor, we don’t even have a language! Just a stupid accent!

PEASANT MAN: [stands up] She’s right! We all talk like Maurice Chevalier! …

EVERYONE: Ah-huh-huh-huh.