memes or choice?

if i have the opportunity to make a choice between several options repeatedly, and i vary my choices, does that just mean i choose variety? or like dolphins do, do i choose novelty? am i driven to choose novelty or do i just randomly want something different, knowing i was satisfied with my first choice on a different occasion? maybe i pick chocolate, chocolate, then vanilla. how does meme theory explain that? or maybe i say chocolate, then change my mind.

seems to me the meme theory breaks down.
not that the theory is useless in gaining some insight. it’s just doesn’t accommodate real-world complexity, like so many other theories of behavior.

First things first. Welcome to SDMB. :slight_smile:

Second things second. Is there a Shift key on your computer?

Third…what is the column/report to which you are referring?

By asking that question you’re just not accommodating real-world complexity, maaaaaaan.

As a wild-ass guess, I’d have to say this one?

What’s a meme?

Meme theory merely asserts that ideas have, in effect, a life of their own while moving amongst a populace. Their increasing or decreasing popularity among people is in effect a measure of a meme’s population within its niche.

It says exactly zero about decision making. The existence of the meme “humans generally like chocolate” in no way compels you to choose or not choose chocolate on any particular occasion.