A pair of dressy shoes – for more formal occasions, to be worn with suits or business casual wear
A pair of house slippers/sandals (“downstairs” slippers)
A pair of bedroom slippers (“upstairs” slippers)
A pair of beach/pool thongs/sandals
A pair of snow boots
An old pair of shoes for yard work
A pair of workout/gym/active wear sneakers
If my entire house were carpeted and arranged so that outside shoes were never worn inside the house, I’d have only one pair of house slippers, mostly just for use in the kitchen, probably (merge 3 and 4). When living in the dorm in college, I had a pair of bathroom slippers/shoes, which I guess would have covered 3-5 above.
So, what do you think? Is this an excessive number of shoes? Is it deficient? What do you have that I don’t?
(Women should feel free to comment, but this isn’t a thread for discussing women’s shoes. Please keep your comments to men’s shoes. I’m trying to avoid tangents on how many pairs of shoes women have and why. There are plenty of threads that have gone into that.)
I have several pair of shoes but half of them are just old stuff I haven’t thrown away yet. Stuff that gets regular use (or conceivably might) include:
– 2 pair of Air Monarchs, I wear either the old or new depending on how snazzy I wanna look. I have a third, unopened, one, in case the two wear out and they stop making them (they’re the most comfortable sneaker I’ve ever worn.)
– 1 pair of dress shoes. Used for work and any other dress occasions.
– 1 pair running shoes. I also have 2 more pair that have not worn out yet, but I’m not counting them because they’re just not doing it for me, yet I haven’t thrown them out yet.
– 2 pair hiking boots. I count both pair, because I’m not throwing the old one out yet.
Two pairs of dress shoes, one pair black, one pair brown. For weddings and such. Each pair may be 20 years old. They get worn maybe once a year.
One pair of “everyday” shoes, which are actually a pair of black sneakers that can pass as “real” shoes. Around $20 at Walmart. Replaced whenever the soles get too thin.
One previous pair of “everyday” shoes. Retained when I buy a new pair, kept for when I resurface the driveway. Current pair is covered in tar, which is OK.
One pair of white sneakers, used at the gym (which I go to regularly). Around $20 at Walmart, replaced whenever the soles get too thin.
One pair of Moon Boots, for when it snows. Unknown vintage, but probably on the order of 15 years old. It doesn’t snow around here much.
One pair of golf shoes. Worn 2 or three times a week during golf season (March - November). Replaced maybe every five years when I see a pair of new golf shoes and think “Ooh, shiny!”.
One pair of bowling shoes. Worn once or twice a week during bowling season (September - March). Replaced whenever the sliding sole wears too thin (maybe every five years).
One pair of sandals. I have no idea why I have a pair of sandals. I never wear sandals.
1 pair brown suede Pumas
1 pair brown leather Pumas for when it’s wet
1 pair Puma driving shoes for the race track
2 pair dress shoes for work (black and brown cap-toe Oxfords)
1 pair black monk strap for nights out
2 pair of Saucony Grid running shoes (I buy my running shoes 2 pairs at a time)
1 pair black Chuck Taylors for weight training
1 pair Timberlands for snow
1 brown dress shoes
2 black dress shoes
3 sneakers
4 casual shoes that are not sneakers (good for casual friday kind of clothes)
5 slippers
6 old ratty shoes that sit on the porch and are for when I have to take trash out to the ally or walk into the yard adn don’t want to step on dog turds in the dark
7 a bunch of old versions of the shoes above that I haven’t tossed out yet.
More, definitely. Several pairs of running shoes (my default for work), 3 pairs of dress shoes, cowboy boots, hiking boots, winter boots, flip-flops of several designs, a couple of pairs of slippers, plus the trashed boots for yard work.
Approximately half a dozen pairs of dress shoes (black and brown).
Approximately half a dozen pairs of casual leather shoes (black and brown).
Two pairs of Merrell moccasins.
One pair of white sneakers.
A couple of pairs of yard shoes.
A pair of Timberland boots.
LL Bean bedroom slippers.
One pair of hiking boots: my every day shoes.
Two pairs of nice dress boots: one for at the office, one for at court.
Two pairs of running shoes: one for every day gym, one for actual running.
One pair of sandals: for when it’s above 60 degrees F outside and I’m not in hiking boots.
One pair of LARPing boots: for… well… you know.
Two pairs of Nikes (one bought last summer, one bought… well like back around the turn of the century, the new ones were bought to replace the old ones but I technically still have the old ones) and two pairs of flip flops (repeat previous parenthetical statement here).
So 2 or 4 pairs depending on if you count flip flops as shoes.