Men, now you can smell like meat as nature intended!

Burger King is marketing a cologne for men that smells like flame-broiled meat, just the scent we women love on our men! And just in time for Christmas. I give you Flame!*
Warning Link contains disturbing picture of the Burger King, not for the squeamish.

*Not recommended for Zoo workers.


By BK.

Guaranteed to keep you a true Whopper Virgin.

From the above linked website:

The associated image is one That Cannot Be Unseen. Be warned.

Yeah, real bad idea. What “real man” wants to be Flaming? :smiley:

Aaaah! My eyes!

You were warned twice! OP not responsible for any physical or mental damage caused by viewing the picture attached to the article. You should have taken the proper precautions and read the article with your eyes closed.

Well, it was about time someone came up with this. I’ll tell you, rubbing yourself in bacon and showering with the blood of a freshly slaughtered cow every morning is such a hassle.

I’ll bet his dong looks like a Chicken Finger.

[Mel Brooks] It’s good to be the King! [/MB]

I’m going to go out on a limb and predict this is going to be the number-one gag gift, bar none, for gay men this year. (This even beats the pants off the male-stripper* coffee mug from Spencer’s Gifts a few years back.) It’s the perfect camp item for two friends of mine… one is positively fast-food-phobic, and his husband is the outdoor grillmeister. The only problem is with distribution; Ricky’s stores in NYC and one mail-order addy? The timing of the product rollout, beg the expression, stinks on ice. They needed to get this little baby out there a month ago, so people would have time to think it over, put it off for a while, and then finally order it for X-mas delivery.

Flaming, indeed!

  • When the mug heats up, his pants turn invisible, ah-ooga!

Why? Why did I click? Gah!

It can’t be that bad, says I. I can handle looking at the Burger…AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :eek:

That isn’t as bad as having to run the blow torch all over myself afterwards to get that fresh “flame-broiled” scent.

I already smell like meat. That’s why I use cologne. Keeps the bears and mountain lions away.