Men who avoid women at work because of fear of alleged reports of sexual harassment

From my standpoint I am suffering this this myself and it’s hindering my growth in the workplace because men continue to avoid me (and women), and I have NO intentions to go around and police what men are saying, never had. And when they do talk to me, it’s “oh what would you wear on OnlyFans.” -__-

In the highly testosterone-saturated world of Wall Street, some men don’t know how to think of women as anything other than sex objects, and so the only way to avoid being accused of harassment is to avoid women altogether. For others, the idea that women might be allowed to compete with them threatens their male egos, so they will take any excuse not to work with them. In both cases, they are probably annoyed at women for not letting them continue to do whatever they want, and so if they can get back at them by returning to the days of sexual segregation, so much the better.

For such men (and this does not mean all men) the idea of actually working with women, treating them as fellow human beings and colleagues, is either incomprehensible, impossible or emasculating.

But since sexual discrimination is illegal, we can only hope this overreaction will balance itself out.