Men with short hair and long, full beards

Lately I’ve been seeing men with short hair and big, full, trimmed beards–like lumberjacks, romantic poets, or Mormon patriarchs. Not scraggly, afterthought, “don’t own a razor, man,” hippie-ish beards, but groomed, intentional in-your-face (as it were) facial hair that seems to be making a statement. What is it saying?

Not zillions of guys, but a few, and in mainstream jobs, retail settings, at the mall, etc. There’s a cell phone kiosk at one of the upscale malls here and two of the guys look like the guys in these pictures. At Wal-Mart this morning, one of the checkers had short hair and a beard as in these pictures, but he also had several tiny silver pierced earrings on the top of his left ear.

Pic #1

Pic #2

Pic #3

Is this a thing now? Is there an anthropological basis for this style? It seems to be a pendulum swing in the opposite direction from the 5-day-growth that was passing for a beard in recent years?

It’s a thing now: lumbersexual.

Those are homebrewers. I can’t grow a beard, so I got kicked out of the club.


…and I’m ok.

We don’t believe you.

Don’t look for logic and sense in fashion. That’s what it is, a fashion.

I know I’m a curmudgeon, but this has to be the most hidious look in generations.

I thought this was a hipster thing.

While you’re at it, explain the guys who shave their entire head but have a full beard starting just below the earlobe (in a point).

Take your pick of pic.

James Harden, Houston Rockets

Chris Kaman, Portland Trail Blazers

The OP’s last 2 pix look like a refresh on a late 1800s style.

Men used to be proud of their beards. The clean-shaven look almost makes me think society is afraid of men’s beards. Or what they represent.

Beards aren’t my thing, but I’m okay with them. Who cares, right? But long disgusting beards with shaved heads, that crosses a line. Free country and all that, but I don’t have to approve.

I’ll bet it has something to do with cough drops.

That first pic is rather like me, although my beard is a little shorter and more scraggly. I do it because I like it. Fashion has nothing to do with it–I’ve had a beard for 15 years.

Definitely. They look like time travelers.

I love a beard on a man. As long as the beard isn’t bigger than his face.

ThelmaLou, you’re a gal after m’own heart! :wink:

This guy.

I’m not sure the full head of hair with full beard look is any better. I remember watching the World Series last year and thinking it looked like the All-Amish championship game!

You going to argue with HIM? Fine, more presents for me–coal for you. :slight_smile: