Looking for info, anecdotes, etc. regarding menopause.
I am 49, up until last month still having a regular period every 30 to 40 days, lots of cramping and clots (sorry, I warned you, stop reading now if you are grossed out by this kind of stuff). Today is day 28 of my cycle, and I started having some cramps so I expected the normal routine. What is happening now is scant amount of medium brown (definitely not red) drainage. I wouldn’t
even call it flow, because it is such a small amount. I am up to date on my Pap smear, so I’m pretty sure nothing is wrong. Just wondering if this sounds like “the beginning of the end” to anyone
else. I have friends who had a period one month, then just stopped cold. No one has ever mentioned the light brown-ish thing. I have also been having terrible hot flashes about mid-cycle, but started taking Black Cohosh supplement with good results. As for family history, my mother had a surgical menopause and my older sister stopped having a period during her treatment for breast cancer.
And for the men who managed to read this far - how about them KC Chiefs??? Hoo-yaw!
Don’t panic, dear. Sounds perfectly normal to me. I’m a bit younger than you are, but my family history is consistent with that - my mom went into perimemopause in her late 30s, and I seem to be following that pattern.
There was a thread here a few weeks ago about perimenopause - I don’t know how to do an “internal link” here, but if you search for “perimenopause” you’ll find it.
Incidentally, the first time I had to contend with the brownish stuff, my reaction was, “Oh, great. Now it’s RUSTING.”
I’ve been going through a year or so of irregular periods, etc., and apparently have at least another couple of years of this. It definitely sounds like the start of perimenopause, though, and nothing serious. If you’re concerned, see your doctor.
I’m nowhere near menopause, but I thought I’d say that I get the brown stuff every time, especially at the tailend of each period. It’s pretty horrible.
Good luck to all you dealing with menopause. I read these threads because I know I will be there someday. sigh I don’t want to have periods!
Thanks for the info, but unfortunately I got terrible diarrhea when I tried the soy thing. I can tolerate things like soy lecithin in food products, but if I take a soy supplement, it is not a pleasant experience.
“I enjoy being a GIRL!” Who wrote that song, a man?