Mermaids don't have knees!

Pictures of mermaids with knees drive me crazy. There’s absolutely no reason for mermaids to have knees, except that people like this doof can’t do it any other way.



Since a mermaid is a Chimera-style creature, I can’t see why knees must be ruled out.

Wait… I don’t get it.

So … Oh wait. The light dawns. Thanks for clearing that up Giant_Spongess . Another bit of ignorance vanquished.

They’re supposed to have fish tails. Show me a fish with knees!

You’re welcome.


Mermaids don’t have a… lot of things.

I see your point, but couldn’t the tail have a fishy exterior and still have a humanoid skeletal structure? Unlikely, maybe, but we’re dealing with a mythical creature, and the morphologies of mythical beasties don’t always make sense.

I don’t see definite knees in that picture. Maybe it looks like knees because of the way the tail comes forward. I imagine there is a muscle in marine animals that might be comparable to the knee, so why not make it like a knee in a mermaid?

But…how do you have mermaid hentai without knees? Wait, don’t answer that.

Wow, that mermaid has an enormous ass! Do mermaids have asses? :confused:

Fry: Why couldn’t she be the other type of mermaid? With the fish part on top, and the lady part on the bottom?

You know those holes in the side of pools, where bubbles come out? Well, how else do you think mermaids make a living?

And fish tails are always vertical, while those bastards keep drawing the mermaid tales horizontal! Won’t someone think of the scientific accuracy??

That ‘doof’ has just attempted to make a better mermaid.

To answer your question: a wizard did it.

You’re welcome.

Maybe the mermaid tail is so flexible that any part can be bent at will?

That’s what she’s trying to find out with the hand that’s not holding the tail.

There’s no reason for humans to have a few of our internal parts, but we do anyway. Mermaids having knees is no more nonsensical than bats having thumbs - which they do.

They aren’t so much “knees” really. If a mermaid is half-human/half-fish, then we have to assume that the being possesses all the attributes of each of its parts in, well, each of its parts. The pose that the mermaid is assuming in the linked picture represents a pose that any human female would assume if she were being photographed for a sexy spread. Therefore, the human half of her has overtaken the anatomical limitations of her fish half.
