So we were spending Christmas morning like we usually do. . . singing very loudly and badly, arguing about how to hook up the PS2, planning which gifts we are going to exchange behind the giftee’s back, when KERPLOW!!!
The building shook, the lights flickered we all stared at each other and then PAPOW!!!. What the hell? Did Batman come pay us a visit or something. Would that explain the sirens 'cuz he would need a police escort. Or have the terrorist won?
Well— the firemen informed us that there was no danger, just a big huge freakin’ explosion down there under the street were the Con Ed workers go to smoke their doobies. Two of those huge square manhole covers went flying. Actually only one went flying. A car was parked over the second one. Merry Christmas Mr. Green Camry Owner.
Houseman reports that the Con Ed guy refused to go down the hole. Considering there was a column of black smoke rising out of it, no one blamed him.
There have been more explosions, shaking the building. We still have light.
Holy crapola. I’m glad you din’t blow up. Did they say what had caused the explosion, or was it Con-Ed smoking up that did it? Yuck, I hope not. Dead on Christmas while trying to get a glow on would suck.