Message Boards

I was just curious if you guys could supply me with more good message boards similar to this one.


There is only one Dope.

Ye shall have no message board before The Dope.

The Dope is God, and Cecil is its prophet.

I’m not even going to address the sin of a misplaced post.

You might want to bone up on your “Hail Ed Zotti”'s, though.

There aren’t any that come close and I say that in all seriousness.

OK, Benjamin, but it’s only your first post and you ALREADY want to get out of here?? Most people take a little longer to run shrieking into the sunset. :smiley:

Nah, stay here. It’s the best board in the world.

Oh, and you have posted this in a forum normally reserved for shit-flinging. Be prepared…or ask a moderator to move it into GQ or IMHO.

Welcome. :slight_smile:


Well, used to post on the boards at, but then they got really boring and well, mistakes were made and favoritism in the extreme was played out, so I hang and post here.

And I haven’t gotten banned yet, thou I have been warned:D .

Why would you want more than one board like this one anyway?

There aren’t any.

I’m serious.

Ya see, friend DarkBrigade, there aren’t any other places like this. There are zillions of message boards out there, but they fall into two categories: the frivolous and the focused.

The frivolous ones are the ones that are there just for amusements. The focused ones discuss a specific topic, and beat it to death.

This board is a combination of both. You’ll never find another one like it. Oh, sure. You might find a few, but they’ll always be smaller and therefore less appealing (in this case). Here, you get an infinite number of opinions and an infinite number of facts at your fingertips. It can’t be topped.

another interesting one is, but like these other guys have said, there is only one Dope.

Honestly, you don’t need another message board.

I’m assuming you’re new here. (you only have one post) Hang around here for awhile, and I assure you, you will have no time for other message boards. This place is very addicting. Wander around a bit and you will find where you fit best here. That’s what makes this place so great. Everyone has their specific forums that they read and post to.

Me, I’m just your basic MPSIMS-IMHO poster. If you want something a little more chanllenging, there is always Great Debates. If you’re an entertainment geek, Cafe Society is the place for you. There is ** always ** something entertaining going on in the BBQ Pit.

But then, I was chomping at the bit to get to this place before I even had a computer. It was the first place I came to when I got my system, so YMMV. (I had read the books before I came here)

"All hail Uncle Cecil!"

That should be “challenging”.


[ul]He may be looking for a board where there isn’t so much ass kissing going on. :D[/ul]

To Everyone: Yes, I agree that Straight Dope is an excellent message board and will continue to be so.

To kambuckta: No, I am not ready to get out of here; I will probably be sticking around for a while.
Yes, I do realize that this is the Pit and is `normally reserved for shit-flinging.’ I was not completly sure where I should post a message like this. I thought that many of you might describe as treason to Straight Dope and decide to flame. I though it best to be prepared and keep any of you from getting into trouble in a way. Thank you for your concern

To WSLer and Stccrd: Thank you for the boards I will check them out.

To Mangetout: More information, more ideas, more diversity, (I’m greedy I always want more…) and many others have gone before where with simalar ideas that I might learn from.

To Lady Ice: Yes, I am new to this board. I was directed here by a friend about three weeks ago, and have been reading in spare time between my studies.

To Straight Dope: Thank you for the board and you battle against ignorance.

Thank you: Jack Batty, Mangetout, kambuckta, imthjckaz, WSLer, Atreyu, dantheman, Stccrd, Lady Ice, kniz, and SD for you input.

(Please excuse an misspellings and grammar problems.)
Chow (for now / aprox 20 min. between posts… If I did my math right)


Really, I haven’t found anything close to this board anywhere on the net. I’m a member on a few more specific subject boards, which serve there purpose, but the big difference is the mods. Almost every other board I’ve been to, the mods take ridiculous liberties in deleting and editing posts they don’t like. we occasionally have moderater issues here, but compared to every other board I’ve been on, fucking blessed.

We have a good moderator base here that’s even handed. And we also stress good writing and good topics. You won’t see a headline like “Bush pwnz Iraq. There FUXX0RED”. I am a spelling gestapo, and it’s good to see people write like they’re writing a letter and not an email or chatroom conversation.

Moving this to IMHO, if the hamsters will cooperate. NICE hamster!


Not since WB got banned, anyway;)

There aren’t any boards as big and interesting as this one. A couple of messageboards I go to are interesting, but they’re tiny. I’d be away for a month, and none of the topics would have budged an inch.
And the big ones are usually nothing but big shitfests anyways, like what red_dragon posted, only raised to the ten thousandth power.

By the way, we don’t flame people who post questions like these. At least, not anymore.

We sic the Giant (Hu)Man-Eating Hamster (cousin to the Giant Post-Eating Hamster) on them.

Ditto what everybody else said.

One of the problems being a SDMB addict is the general perception of message boards among the uninitiate.

They ALL suck bull peepees, except this one. Really. But since SDMB represents only about 0.001% of all message boards, the perception remains that if you spend time at the SDMB – a message board – you are an idiot.

Other message boards scare the poo out of me. Have you ever tried to read the message board of your local daily newspaper, or of, etc.? Either most people are dangerous idiots, or most posters to message boards are dangerous idiots.

I hope the SDMB continues to live in relative obscurity. I’ll suffer the stigma of being a message board poster gladly, if it means the great unwashed masses never descend on this one in force.

And I almost never kiss mod/admin ass, but the credit goes largely to them. To say this place is well-run is an understatement.