To help those people that can’t reach loved ones, I suggest that we use the boards to relay a message for them. People that need to contact someone and let them know you’re OK, but can’t get out by phone, etc, can e-mail a volunteer directly using the mail link on each posting. They can then pass along the details of who to call, phone #s, etc. If you’re interested in helping, announce it here. I’ll be the first volunteer.
This effort has the blessing of Unclebeer. Please don’t post phone numbers here, but send them by direct e-mail to a volunteer.
I’m going to take Billdo’s advice and go donate blood. I think this is one of the best ways for people to help out. I’ll be back here in about an hour or two.
I’m in New Jersey but can’t seem to call out of my area code. If you need to reach anyone in the 732 Areacode I fo have local calling available to me E-mail me at
Just wanted to inform you that the telecom networks are acting randomly across the Atlantic, due to extreme load. If you need someone called in Europe and can’t get through, I’ll be on
I’m in Charlottesville, VA. We’re in the middle of switching area codes right now, but I should be able to reach anyone in the (804) area code. My e-mail’s I’m going to be out from about 3:00-5:00, but I can call people at other times.
Any Dopers who need to get a message out can contact me at with a message for friends and loved ones elsewhere, and I’ll do my damndest to get the word out for you.