Mice (the computer kind)

So I’m taking my mouse apart to clean it, and notice there are three wheely things inside. Turning one of them makes the pointer move up and down. Turning another makes the pointer move left and right. Turning the third one does nothing.

So what is the third wheel for?

It holds the ball against the other two.

It keeps the ball in contact with the other 2 rollers.

The third wheel keeps the ball pressed against the other two wheels.

Oh. Well… duh. :wink:

Hah! First AND most concise… :stuck_out_tongue:

No, it is a spare roller for if the other two break. Just take it out of its holder and use the tiny wrenches that are also in the mouse. They are probably glued to that green plastic board inside. Just keep pulling, they will come off.

OK, now what?


[sub]Seriously, this really made me laugh out loud.[/sub]

Uh, uh, now what you do is, uh…LOOK OVER THERE!!

Get an optical mouse. The ball types are fast becoming obsolete.

Hmmm… I wonder how I could replace my trackball with an optical trackball… :stuck_out_tongue:

Go to your local computer store, walk up to an employee, and say, “Mr. Computer Store Employee, I would like to buy an optical trackball.” Or, just go here: http://www.us.buy.com/retail/computers/product.asp?sku=10255982&loc=439

Yep, them optical mice are gonna make the old ball type obsolete. That’s exactly what they said about them when I first saw one… attached to a brand new IBM AT 286 (somewhere around 1991).

ACK! I hate mice with balls.
You have to keep them clean.
You have to keep them on a mouse pad.
They ussually dont have 5 buttons.
They dont go squirly on you once an hour.
They dont glow a very cool red.
They dont scare children.
They are SO 1999.

Besides, where else would you get the cool glow that comes with optical mice?

      • The problem with any regular mouse is you gotta sit at a desk to use it. That’s why trackballs rule. -At least until I can afford that Theremin mouse, anyway…
        (-I’ll put on a tight black sweatsuit and pretend I’m Deter Sprocket) - DougC

I actually have a usb optical trackball at home–very nice, but it takes some getting used to.

I’ve got the Graphire2 pen and mouse tablet. It’s OK, but a bit weird.

How does it work?

Wow, I’ve got to be more cafeful in my facetiousness! :slight_smile:

Yep. :slight_smile: