Michael Jackson's on Fire

I sometimes see jokes referring to Michael Jackson catching on fire. This is referring to nothing I remember, so can anybody tell me the exact event that inspires all these jokes?

Dammit!! i click on this thread and the fire alarm goes off!!! GRRRRR!!!

(of course, it goes off at least twice a week, so no bother)

He was filming a Pepsi commercial, with a big pyrotechnic display going off, and one of the flash-powder charges at the front of the stage went off when he was right next to it and set his hair on fire. There was also some damage to his face, as I recall.

He was burned filming a commercial for Pepsi -

This is from the Oprah interview
"Michael: That’s…I did a commercial for Pepsi and I was burned very badly and we settled for 1 million dollars and I gave all the money…like, we bulit this place called the Michael Jackson Burn Centre and that’s a piece of technology used for burn victims, right. "


He was burned filming a commercial for Pepsi in 1984 -

This is from the Oprah interview
"Michael: That’s…I did a commercial for Pepsi and I was burned very badly and we settled for 1 million dollars and I gave all the money…like, we bulit this place called the Michael Jackson Burn Centre and that’s a piece of technology used for burn victims, right. "


I heard he was trying to copy something he saw on Jackass.

Was it badly melted?

No, just whitened a little.

Ugh. :eek:

It’s not gotten better – MJ’s face today

Is that what happened to his nose in the horrific picture Corbomite posted, or is that from too much plastic surgery?

Man, those poor poor poor kids. Bred to be sex toys, by a freakazoidal, egotistical monster*. And no one cares. Imagine the books they could someday write, if they don’t kill themselves or go stark raving mad first.

*all IMHO, of course.

That’s the problem with “Jheri Curls” — way too much oil in there, highly flammable. Jheri heads should have a hazmat sign attached.

The picture I posted was from November 14,2002. (yesterday). From the Reuters/Yahoo news section. I couldn’t find an article that used that picture, but the Yahoo/Entertainment section has stuff.

Only his hair went on fire in that Pepsi commercial - and then it was mainly the hairspray.

That picture is freakish. And I can assume he had some facial skin burn (akin to a sunburn) that hadn’t peeled.

Aaargh… (I did want to explain my pic was recent)

Isn’t he raising at least one of his offspring at his Neverland Ranch?

Concerned press folks and others who’ve been there are on record for calling the <whatever> local DA who can do nothing without some evidence of neglect.

All MJ’s lawsuits regarding children have been settled out of court with a gag (or whatever) order. i.e. - they didn’t happen.

He was testifying as a hostile witness at a breach of contract lawsuit against him for some shows he didn’t perform in Hawaii in late 1999.

I saw that pic in the paper this morning and was wondering myself about the tip of his nose. (Looks like he forgot to apply the end, if you ask me.)

Good to see he’s moved past the “Liz Taylor” phase and into his “Chewbacca” phase.

3, two boys and a girl. He just recently had another baby brought in, and the press and his supporters happily congratulated him.

I assume you’re referring to how it was all swept under the rug, since “Settled out of court” does not mean none of that with the 12(?) year old happened.

All that was why he decided to have his own kids, I’ll bet. Raise 'em from the womb to be your own personal sex toys. They can’t get away and they can’t sue. Pay off the “mom,” and keep her and other busybodies out of the house. Perfect.

(Obviously my thoughts are conjecture and speculation, but it’s my gut feeling that that’s exactly what’s going on)

Just how bad off is this guy face wise?

I heard tales that he really does not have a nose…by that pic I am still unsure.

The guy would have looked great if he laid off the surgery after the early 80’s…too bad

Corbomite, I’m pretty sure Equipoise was talking about Joseph Jackson, Michael’s father.

I think he’s moved into the “Planet Of The Apes” phase.

Compare the picture Corbomite posted above, with this.

Huh? Jackson’s father never entered my mind, other than a possible source of Michael’s troubles.