Middle Earth FA65 D&D 5th Ed support Thread

All righty, this isn’t working too well so far. Sorry about that. In a little while, I’ll move us along. Starting with the crates. So many crates. Almost all Dwarves BTW.

The game seems to have petered out. Is everyone still in it?

I think we’re ready to pack up and head south and meet with Miregol, is that correct?

I’m still here.

Sounds fine to me.

I’m also still here.

We’ve done all we can here, I think.

Ghan is still here!

I think we’ve agreed to meet Miregol, taking the Chain Mail with the Galvorn, the magical machine and as much gold as we can carry.

We’ve suggested various ways to carry the machine (and on our way we will notify local dwarves of the Cave so they can acquire the remaining silver - and make such use of the complex as they can.)

I’m definitely still in, and I apologize if anyone was waiting on me for input. It seemed to me like we’ve exhausted our searching, and were in general agreement on our next steps.

Bitur as the artificer, tinker, clockworker, etc. I was hoping you would talk about packing the machine. You’re the best qualified by far.

No need, Miregol will let her local Dwarves know that will get word to the closest Dwarves to the Troll Cave.

I’m still here too.

Sorry. Didn’t realize you were waiting on me.

Finally updated the game thread, sorry the last few days have been nuts. We’re finally getting close on selling the house and it looks like we move right before Thanksgiving and close a few days later. We don’t get into the next house until the end of December. I’m also trying to get my Mom’s place on the market and dealing with my mortgage. As I said a little crazy.

Fingers crossed on the house sales, and move. If you wind up needing to put the game on pause for a bit because of all of that, I would certainly understand!

I know how time-consuming and stressful buying and selling houses is.
No worries - good luck and post when convenient for you!

There will be a few days where it might be on hold, but as that will be Thanksgiving weekend in the US, I probably won’t be the only one distracted.

Thanks Glee & Kenobi.

That’s a lot you have going on! Good luck, hopefully it all goes smoothly.

Hear, hear, and thanks, WE! Still very glad to be adventuring in Middle-earth once again.

I promise a game update this morning. Today should be a lot quieter and I think we have a consensus of the watch list and camp.

No instructions from @John_DiFool, so not sure what Hejren’s 1st round would be this time.

@Hoopy_Frood Bitur also.

@kenobi_65 Ceol won’t be able to reach a Wraith, but could reach a Warg and probably be ready to wipe out the Zombie’s next time.

@What_Exit: given that, Ceol will indeed take on a Warg this round, and be ready for a Turn against the zombies in the next round, if needed.

@John_DiFool, for round 2 can hit the Bow Wraith (Commander) & Sword Wraiths 2 & 3 (turned) or probably hit almost every Crebain using your 2nd Fireball. The Crebain would be roasted.

To all: I put an updated map up and updated Initiative chart. Now with AC as you have a good feel for them.

What kind of damage do those crows do? And how many are left?