Middle east news? What do they have to say?

What’s the general sentiment in the Middle East concerning the events that have transpired over the last few days?

We’ve all seen the footage of the palestinian kid with the giant mutant hand jumping around in glee but not much else?

It it sensationalised media that is trying to instigate racial hatred or is this really what the general attitude is in the Middle East?

Does anyone have any links to Palestinian news sources that convey their feelings?

Let’s not forget the ugly, middle-aged woman with glasses.

Seriously, there’s too much that I’ve seen to reproduce here. To reassure my fears that all Palestinians are celebrating at the loss of innocent lives, I’ve seen images of some lining up at blood banks. I really hope this is more the norm than the exception.

Most Palestinians would follow Arafat’s lead, and be shocked and dismayed at the horror.

However, there is certainly a loud and strong minority that rejoices in terrorist activity against the U.S. and Israel.

I just heard this morning that Kuwait arrested 20 people for passing out candy to celebrate the attacks. I’m looking for a link now…

I’m not actively looking for such news, but came across this so I’ll post it here.

Frightened Afghans Await Expected Revenge Raids

Mick, you can use a search engine & type in "online middle east newspaper’ then you can read directly what they think, not a rehash of what the usa thinks they think. Here is one, I think: