Mike, @dropzone has been AWOL

Get well soon dropzone We need you back in the game.

Good fortune to him.

Yeah, sending good vibes to @dropzone

So his daughter lets her roommate have access to her emails?
How many of us do that?

I think this says something abut dropzone----and not just him–his whole family.
He’s raised a daughter who, like him, shares and cares about the people in their lives.

Let’s hope he recovers, so he can keep sharing with us, too.

My husband and I have access to our computers, emails, amazon accounts, phones - my second computer at the house in western NY is accessible by our roomies there - but that one doesn’t have the credit card info or amazon instant buy on it. It will pull copies of my email but won’t wipe it off the server.

Here’s more hope for Mike …

And even more hope. :candle: :candle:

My limited understanding is they have cohabitated for a long while. It’s most likely a shared computer.

I received an update from roomie:
The girls will see their Dad this evening, sometime.

She said she would update after that.

I have an update:

The girls said the hospital had him off the ventilator for 2 and 1/2 hours while they were with him.
He knows I have made a thread. (Oops😳)
And about all of our well wishes.
I feel like this is good news.

That sounds promising! Good thoughts and prayers to Dropzone and I hope he gets better and gets home soon so he can chew you out properly! (jk on the chewing out). Thanks for keeping us updated, Beck!

That does indeed sound encouraging. Here’s hope for even less ventilator and more dropzone in the future.

This is encouraging and I hope it continues in the right direction.

I’m looking forward to the Beck (and SDMB) apology thread when Dropzone returns and everyone will be forced to apologize for making a big deal of it. We look forward to our comeuppance.

Don’t Drop, Zone

(1) The girl is mine - Micheal Jackson and Paul McCartney - YouTube

Since he’s been on the ‘vent’ so long, Mike is getting a ‘trach’ installed today.
They told me it will make him more comfortable.

I’m not sure if this is good news or bad.
Maybe one of our board medical person’s would chime in.

I’m keeping @Dropzone in my thoughts. Get well!

Not a doctor, but I do know that a tube down your throat and into your lungs is hard on your body, really bad for your vocal cords, and usually requires sedation. A trach seems a lot more invasive, but it’s what they do for people who need breathing assistance long-term and apparently it doesn’t require sedation to be tolerable. So… it seems less destructive. There might be other factors I’m unaware of.

Wishing you luck, 'zone.

Thanks for the update.


All the good thoughts to dropzone!

If you need to be on a ventilator for a while, it’s better. My mom had a trach installed when she was in intensive care on a ventilator for several months.