Mike, @dropzone has been AWOL

He was having issues with the trach. They sent him back to surgery today.
He seems to be resting better.

It’s been a worrisome day for the family. I’m not inclined to add to their troubles. I’ll wait till things calm down a bit to ask questions.

I just stumbled across this thread now.

We’re all pulling for you dropzone. Get better.

Somebody has to arrange for a risqué candy gram or something for when @dropzone is released. :purple_heart:

I just received an email from Mikey’s eldest daughter.
She even sent me a photo. He looks loads better than I thought he would.

She says he was happy to hear we were wishing him get well thoughts.

The plan going forward is to send him to a new rehab place with plans to get him breathing on his own and get him up and moving.
She seemed to be alittle relieved.

So I’m somewhat relieved as well.

Prior post deleted due to horrible formatting snafu.

I am going to raise my fine glass of tawny port to @Dropzone and hope this is the beginning of a complete recovery.

I’m really not drinking because I have jury duty (again!) tomorrow. Well, okay, it’s both. But I’m not blaming Dropzone for the jury duty.

Thank you for all of the updates, Beck. I’m glad to hear that he’s on the mend, and I’ll continue to be sending good thoughts for healing!

Thanks for the good news!

Thanks, Beck!

Glad to hear they’re planning to move him to rehab – that’s encouraging. And very glad that it won’t be the same place as before! Though this is one hell of a way to get out of there, dropzone.

I agree. He may have went a step too far.
Scaring me to death, and all.

But, I’ll forgive. This time.


Best wishes, Dropzone!

And thanks for the updates, Beck.

Another “thanks for the updates, Beck.”

Get well soon, Mike, and hope to see you back here shortly.

I’ll add my voice to the chorus:

Thank you, Beck, for starting this thread and keeping us posted.

And for dropzone, wishing him a speedy recovery and hoping that his daughter is able to visit as much as she likes.

I met @dropzone at an impromptu Dopefest many years ago (said Dopefest consisted of me, @dropzone, @Snooooopy, and @thinksnow, if I remember correctly).

Hell of a nice guy. Fingers crossed for him.

Unfortunately, this hits close to home for me, so I have trouble saying much. I tried posting just a frowny face a while back, but it didn’t post.

I hope he gets better.

Thank you, @BigT.
I’m sorry for what you’re going through, as well.

Jebus, it scared the crap out of me when I saw all the new posts in this thread! I’m glad to hear he’s doing better.

Glad to hear MIke is doing better!
@Superdude, was that the outing where you got your tattoo? Good times.

Saying a prayer on this end for Mike/dropzone … you Are a good good good friend Beck. thanks for keeping up in the loop.

No, that tattoo was a memento of my very first Chidope. I went to Jade Dragon to have the ink done (and the long-ago disappeared @BunnyGirl got her navel piercing at the same time).

I met @dropzone at a mini ‘Fest in Louisville, Kentucky. @thinksnow was living here at the time (I still do), and @Snooooopy is, I think, originally from this area.

But, @MikeG , I want to thank you again for the oyster shots and the Irish/Celtic bar/restaurant we went to a few times. I’m getting old. I can’t remember the name of the place now.

That sounds like y’all had a great time. I love reading all the old Doper threads about the fun times.

Mikey’s doing well.
They are moving him Tuesday to his new place.
I’m looking forward to him chewing me out.

You guys better back me up!!