Minor characters with big followings

You know how some movies have characters with minimal screen time and development who nonetheless become incredibly popular?

Boba Fett from Star Wars is probably the classic example. Even though I’ve seen the original trilogy many times, it still surprises me how little he’s in the movie.

Zara from Jurassic World is the most recent example I can think of. People (including me) have really taken to her.

What other ones do you know of? Not just movies. Books, TV shows, video games, comics, etc.

“Figwit” the elf from the LOTR movies. He was onscreen for about three seconds in the first movie and was an unnamed character. Some fans of the movie started making a big deal over him. Due to his popularity, he was brought back for the third movie and given a line.

Merle Dixon… The Walking Dead.

The Star Wars character Nien Nunb has a following in Kenya, because he speaks a Kenyan language in the movie.

Hazel Fredricks is the name of the woman who watches Mary Richards throw her hat into the air in the opening credits of the Mary Tyler Moore Show theme.

The late Elizabeth Pena left a lasting impression as the Islander girl who throws her air around so dramatically in the opening for Hawaii 5-O. Can anybody remember anything about that show except her?

The titular Bride of Frankenstein appears in her one and only movie for all of five minutes (if that.)


Rom’s wife on DS9.


I thought you meant Elizabeth Pena (with a tilde, don’t know how to make one of those) from I Married Dora (Also Gloria’s mom in Modern Family), but that picture shows someone different. I did a search and found the opening credit girl’s name is Helen Kuoha-Torco, who is a native. Elizabeth Pena is a Cuban from New Jersey.