Minor suggestion about "User X has been banned" threads

What part of being banned is down to luck?

If by “glory and laugh” you mean “point and laugh,” then I think you may be on to something.

My understanding that
A) Lots of people who are banned are mouthbreathers
B) People who are mouthbreathers were unlucky at the genetic roulette table
C) Therefore banned posters=unlucky mouthbreathers

See? Socrates got nuthin’ on me!

Well yeah, pretty much.

Actually I do like to parse out the events that lead to a banning. I make no claim to total understanding of what a person really means when they type out words on a message board (so often what we intend and how we say it can differ so much).

As a strong proponent of transparent administration of government (and all else) means the opportunity to review and conclude on my own is a process I cherish.

The inherent anonymity of the members of the board does tend to make the process less harmful to the subjects of the review.

I always envisage them as putting on a black cap, just like English judges used to do before sentencing someone to death.

Will no one think of the mouthbreathers? We need to start a Federal Program to take care of them. I blame the current state of hate politics for ignoring them.

Deviated septum’s are no joke.

He whistled, angrily.

While trying to breath around a burrito.

What’s all this about monkeyhorsecamel burritos? I want one!

You’ve identified the next great xkcd-style universal password. Nicely done. :slight_smile:

xkcd: Password Strength for those who don’t get it.

Monkeyhorsecamel sounds like a variation of turducken. Not sure about the order, though. I guess the monkey should go in last, but do you stuff the camel into the horse, or the other way around?

Hmmm…windows/AD has been telling me to consider changing my password as it expires in 5 days…


Camel’s bigger for sure. So it goes on the outside. That way also makes for a much more impressive presentation on the platter than a mere horse would.

I suppose I’d start from the inside and work out though. So the monkey shouldn’t be last.

Let’s try this: First the burrito goes up the monkey’s cavity. Then shove the monkey into the horse. Then finally shove the horse into the camel. Yumm yumm Yuuummm! as Gomer Pyle might have said.

Hmmmmm. we’ve got a size gap here. There oughta be a dog or sheep or something in between the ~20lb monkey and the ~1000lb horse. Otherwise the monkey’ll be rattling around in there and might fall out. Maybe a llama; it continues the camel theme.
The great part is I bet that if we cooked one John Madden could eat the whole thing. Buuurppp!

No no no! It’s a Monkhormel burrito (patent pending). Therefore, monkey>horse>camel cooked up then chopped up and made into a burrito with some beans and rice and salsa etc…

I think we can work around this. Burrito means “small donkey”. So I think what we need here is an actual small donkey, to go between the horse and the monkey.


I’m pretty sure I’ve had that from a street vendor someplace in some 3rd world pesthole. :slight_smile:

Mystery meat on a stick is a favorite worldwide. Hasn’t killed me yet.

Can I have the new pizza crepe taco pancake chili bag at Taco Town instead?