Mint Julep's Mexico Story

That might have been witty 10 years ago, but The National Enquirer is currently known for getting their stories straight.

Surely you jest.
And Williams is on my Death List, and TNE reported him to be dying last week with his family around him. Apparently he is still performing. :slight_smile:

El Camino…

So you agree that Michelle Obama masterminded the Ann Romney “mom smear” and it backfired?

And that the President was “…acting like a liquored up frat boy at a strip club” when Jennifer Hudson, “looking sexy” sang Happy Birthday to Barack in “an eerie parallel of the 1962 Kennedy bash?”


Gosh, now I have all sorts of good material to work with!

If you’re familiar with the area, you would understand a bit more. This is news, and if you happen to get it while drinking at Zamas or talking to your security folks it shouldn’t matter. The emails are our local version of neighborhood association flyers. I only have a dad and son looking after my house and my neighbors, but some of these people are as rich as Croesus and have freaking teams of security. It’s their job to know about crime in the area.

Also, perhaps you might understand a mother’s concern about this as her two children are down there right now. I’m not overly thrilled with my youngest being down there as it is, posting a likely untrue or incorrect story and causing me to go all mother bear even for a short while makes me irritated.

Frankly, if an American tourist stabbed someone seven times with a screwdriver while repelling a home invasion in Mexico, I would expect that to be national news in the US. Compare, for instance, the media attention to Natalee Holloway or the various husbands who drown their wives while diving or push them off cruise ships.

Maybe my intuition in this respect is incorrect, or perhaps the family in question and the local police have successfully resisted public attention.

Hell, it would be on the national news in Canada.

The bottom line is that no valid conclusion, with respect to the alleged attack, can be drawn from the absence of any such evidence in the rumor mill.

And no such conclusion was drawn but suspicions were expressed. Hence the polite request (which has not been answered) for clarification.

Hence the need for the thread and need for clarification by someone who has a real world interest.

And I’m pretty confident that if something like that happened anywhere in this state I would know about it. Absence of concrete evidence is not proof but it raises questions.

What about those incidents that are not reported to the authorities?

Not relevant.

It supposedly was reported to the authorities.

I have explained it’s not a rumor mill. Have you been to the area? Cancun/Playa/Puerto Aventuras don’t count.

I have emailed my boyfriend for clarification about the location of the house. Tulum could be completely wrong. I will post an update with his response.

This story was told to my bf by his 75 year old parents. If the fact are not right, I apologize. I agree that I thought it was odd that the authorities let them leave the country so quickly after too. I also have no idea if the facts were sensationalized when told to me. I thought it was safe as a Mundane thread/story.

I realize that at my new job I have more time to post on here, and when hard things have happened, I have not had close family friends and turned to you guys. Most of posts in the past are when my cat died etc.

I could link to my Dad’s arrest info, but I choose not to. Sorry.
I could post copies of my Doc. bill or my positive pregnancy test but I also choose not to.

I do understand how this all seems a bit bizarre, and I almost did not post the Mexico story because I thought people would start to throw Troll rocks etc. That was my poor judgement to post a hearsay event.

While I am honored to be pitted, I have not made up one thing that I have posted. I may have some of the story wrong, but I did not intentionally lie or fabricate anything.

Probably best if I retreat back into my hole, silently reading and not posting. I enjoy that very much regardless.

BottledBlondJeanie, your predictive powers are astounding! :smiley:

Why? You got a pretty pleasant request to clarify from someone who has children in the area and was concerned. It raised a red flag when those in the area knew nothing about it. Just clarify and be done with it. If this is the only kind of Pitting you ever get you could be poster of the year. To me the other two threads didn’t raise any flags. This one wouldn’t have either if it wasn’t for the OP and her knowledge of the area. Some details being told to you incorrectly seems extremely plausible to me. No need to hide in a hole.

Now that’s what ‘kinda mean’ looks like.

I’m sorry to repeat myself, but a story told from one person to another, to yet another, is probably a gossip/rumor mill. I appreciate your concern due to family safety issues there, you have every right to question this with respect to that.

However, I feel this pitting was premature.

No I have not been to the gulf area of Mexico., My experience with Mexico is limited to the Pacific coast of Baja, and it’s rather limited at that.

That’s actually funny coming from someone as disingenuous as you. I offer,as my cite, every gun thread in which you ever participated where you stated you weren’t anti-gun. Of course, you do balance a certain fundamental mendacity by overestimating, by several orders of magnitude, your own cleverness. The post I quoted above serves nicely as an example. So does the recent thread about angels where you trotted out all the standard atheist boilerplate as if you were unveiling original and penetrating insights. I don’t know if Mint Julep’s story is true or not. I do know that you are a monumental douchebag.

Thanks for the response. Never intended to drive you back in a hole. I just knew the account was wrong for whatever reason, and that needs to be in the pit. It’s clearly indicated your dad/pregnancy threads weren’t really an issue, but combined with the Mexico thread caused an eyebrow raise.

If you’re having a crappy time in your life and would like some supportive attention, this is a good place for it. In fact, let the “don’t let this make you leave” posting begin.