Misread thread titles

I was just coming to post that!

Fifi et Pierre are real rowdies when it comes to defending their master!

Kelly Montieth would not be amused.

My crouton bloomed!

Exactly what I wanted to post! I was beginning to wonder if croutons grow on trees…

Evacuating Kamala Harris

C’mon, things haven’t gotten that bad.

Actual title: Why does my nose run when I defecate?

I read it as: Why does my nose run when I dictate?


From FQ:

Why do anarchists normally come in bottles of 96?

Is this true for both regular and extra-strength anarchists?

OK, maybe I’m due for an eye exam.

Actual title: My croton bloomed!

I read it as: My crotch bloomed!


This is not from SDMB, it’s a CNN website headline, but it’s too good to pass up:

Jan. 6 committee details Trump team’s early focus on pleasuring state lawmakers

(It was “pressuring,” but I like my version better)

How Important Are States? (How Important is Status?)

I guess that depends on whether cities are necessary.

The other day I was skimming the “latest posts” list and these two were in sequence:

Women with little girl voices
Why do people split tens in Blackjack?

Skimming quickly, my brain registered that as “Why do women split tens in Blackjack?”. I had no idea that women had their own blackjack strategies!

Police torching cars they’ve pulled over

"He’ll never drive recklessly again. Ha! Ha!

That made me laugh. I felt like amending it to Haw haw!

Herd animals question evolution

“We cows have always been cows, right? Chew on that for awhile.”

The Haboobs are here!

What’s with my mind lately? I want a new place to smell rice

What Is The Most American Form Of Acupuncture?

I’ll bet it involves a honking big needle and opiates.

From IMHO:

Chaos: on schedule or when needed?

Why has Donald Trump not decomposed?

Are there any Indian restaurants within New York’s Sullivan…counties?

My wedding reception was at a really good one (Mrs. Map has South Asian roots) and I was just about to write my post about it, when I spotted my error!