Miss Ellie, dead at 17

The World’s Ugliest Dog has died. Miss Ellie, a Chinese Crested Hairless was 17. Boy, that was an ugly puppy, but she did look like a happy dog.

Wasn’t the last World’s Ugliest Dog also a Chinese Crested?

Yes, but that thing had cataracts and skin cancer and was much more “horrifically ugly” than Miss Ellie. Miss Ellie was more “goofy ugly” because her tongue was always out. She was the kind of ugly that made you laugh.

Here, classic Miss Ellie pic

I’m not sure she was really ugly.
She was goofy looking that is for certain but she had a certain sweetness that made her look less ugly.

I must admit that I have dated women who shared certain characteristics with Miss Ellie.

Blank stare and tongue hanging out? Naked from the neck down?

Miss Ellie was a cutie. Sam (pictured here next to Zuul) is still the champ, in my book.

Oh, come on! She looks like Bill the Cat! :smiley:

Sam should get the award for Ugliest Dog to Have Ever Existed.