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There was a show on MTV about high school pranks, and some kids stole a couple of letters off of their school, turning it into A NAL High for the senior prank. Heeeheee!

There’s a local family in town that puts up a huge light display at Xmastime that says, “GOD BLESS AMERICA.” Every year some wag turns it into “GODLESS AMERICA,” which always cracks me up.

There’s also a local restaurant called Black Angus which has problems with the “g” disappearing. Always cracks me up.

For months, the sign on the “Zip Signs” company read “Zip Sigs”. Not a company I’d likely go to for my next neon sign needs.

In my suburban Cleveland childhood hometown , the NORTH OLMSTED BRANCH of the CUYAHOGA COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY was frequently renamed the NORTH OLMSTED BRA of the U GA C UNT PUB IC BRA, or a variation on that theme. (The use of “ho” as shorthand for whore had not yet gained currency, in case you were wondering.)

In Lafayette, there’s a VILLAGE PANTRY chain of convenience stores. One of the units appears to be VILLAGE PANT Y at first glance.

In the 1970’s, the U.S. military was attempting to change its Vietnam-tainted image. Unfortunately, the slogan chosen for billboards – TODAY"S ARMY WANTS TO TEACH YOU TO LEARN A SKILL – was all too easily edited to “… TEACH YOU TO KILL”.

I think it’s been fixed now, or they changed the name, but for years a bowling alley in my town was called
I always liked to imagine it as the not-so-secret lair of some feathered superhero.

A school a few miles up the road from ours had a sign out the front that read “Pride of the Peninsula”. Some artful wag rearranged the letters to read “Ride the Penis” Oh how I laughed!


There was a construction firm 'round the Southeast – whom I suspect has since changed names – which went by the name of Jackson and Associates. Some creative spraypaint made their projects “Construction by Jack[del]son and[/del] Ass[del]ociates[/del].”

Cookeville, TN is the home of a small university and a very tiny mall. The mall has no name. It’s sign just says “Mall.”

Pitiful place that it was, my buddy Chris plotted for a while to spraypaint the sign to say “sMall.” I thought it was clever, but I don’t know if he ever followed through.

Ah yes. I myself went to WE T SEX High School. They’ve changed the sign since so you can’t remove letters. :slight_smile:

In Royal Oak Michigan on Woodward Ave.; MANUS POWER MOWERS.

Quite a few years ago the M fell off the building.

At a mall nearby, there was an Eaton’s store… The design of the mall and the proximityof the road allowed it to read Faton’s as you drove by. I found humour in it as an 8 year old.
There is a restaurant (greasy spoon) in the Toronto beaches called the Goof (looks like the neon has had more problems…I don’t know about the quality of the food).


Our local “On the Border” restaurant is always ON THE DER.

We read signs with missing letters out loud to each other all the time.

My favorite was an optical store. They have a giant ONE HOUR GLASSES spelled out in glowy letters.

One day I was driving by and the G was out, so you saw:

Who knew the optical store decided to switch to be a brothel? :smiley:

There’s a strip mall near me that has one of those flashing signs that alternately spell out the names of the shops and assorted messages. For several months now, they’ve been proclaiming their patriotism with a big “GOD BLESS AMERICA!”.

…except on one side of the sign, a panel of lights is burnt out. So they are shouting to the traffic:


That one never fails to crack me up every time I drive by. That Erica sure must be one special girl.

Did they get extra buisiness?

There was a tobacco store in a strip mall with a lighted sign that said:
International Tobacco.

For a couple of months, several letters went dark, leaving it with the name:
Intern Tobacco
Normally this wouldn’t be very funny, but it happened shortly after the Clinton/Lewinski revelations.

And they left “Virginia” untouched? I guess state pride trumps a cheap laugh.

It’s much more rewarding hearing of real-life adventures in signage, but I just had to mention the classics:

The HELLO THERE sign changed to HELL HERE - Batman Returns

The HOTEL CORAL ESSEX with the appropriate letters removed - a Porky’s movie?



Shhh, Una’s sex life is none of our business.