Miss ng lett rs

HOT ORAL SEX. Revenge of the Nerds 2.

Once I was driving by a Burger King which, per their sign, was hiring for ASST MAN. On the way back, on the other side of the sign, they had apparently either run out of T’s or someone had craftily taken it, as they were now hiring for ASS MAN.

I just about crashed the car laughing.

UCSD has a building called Bonner hall. It is boner hall quite frequently due to college student theft.

There’s a Janus House here, which often loses the J, and a Bateman Street which suffers from a tippex-ed out E.

I suppose this is the opposite of what the OP asked for - but there’s the classic extra I inserted into signs announcing that the building is “TO LET”.

A rival of the restaurant Red Lobster once produced a commercial in which some letters comically fell off the sign so that it read Red Lo s er. Since I and the mister don’t care at all for this restaurant, Red Loser is now our name for it for all time. I only saw that commercial once, so I suppose Red Lobster’s lawyers ran it off the air. Too bad, 'cause it was funny.

Years ago, a savings and loan was building a new location near my home. The sign company had whatever reason installed only some of the letters on the side of the building…


Made no sense, but a lot more amusing than


Then about a month later, part of the sign malfunctioned, turning the building into



Not hilarious, but the Coast National Bank in my community once became, briefly, the C a t National Bank.

I once saw a Bob Evans advertising their new “HOME_TYLE MEATLOAF.”

Never figured out what exactly home tyle was.

I like Sears turning into SARS.


I will never not laugh at the word (okay, acronym) SARS.

Ah darn, that was already posted. Normally I do read the entire thread but I just HAD to post quickly before I forgot what I was going to say. I did a find on “sars”, but it didn’t pick up S ARS, of course.

Here’s one more so I’m a little more on topic.

There’s a place in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia called Grand Anse. There was one of those universal green road signs with the silver reflective letters, and the bottom half of the right side of the “n” an Anse stopped reflecting for some reason, so when you’d drive by in the night and catch it with your headlights…

Grand Arse.

My friend took a picture of her husband standing next to the sign and mooning, but Wal-Mart didn’t give the picture back! :rolleyes:

Each year a local neighborhood association puts out a large display along the banks of a nearby duck pond with a fountain in it. It has a couple wire-figure ice skaters, one leaning forward from the waist obviously trying to gain some extra speed across the lawn and the other with their hands out and down so as to catch themselves if they fall. There are a few non-ice skating wire-light passerby and the words “Happy Holidays from University Hills.” A reasonably tasteful display all in all and with the lights in the duck pond and fountain it makes a nice spectacle on the way home.

A few years ago a small section of the lights burned out and it said “Happy Holidays from University Hills.” It was at that point I devised my plan.For, you see, if that particular section of lights were sabotaged and the leaning-forward skater were placed immediately in front of the “oops, I’m gonna fall!” skater, it would look like one skater was bending the other over for some sharing of bodily warmth in the cold of our Texas winter. The caption would then be very fitting.Enjoy,

When I was a kid in Los Angeles riding the local RTD bus, I came upon this public service announcement poster with the letters the first letters (PO) blackened out: