The SO hides my gargoyles, so as not to give the occasional visitor the right impression of me. One of them is a cool cat gargoyle. It’s shaped such that its paws and head hang over a shelf. (i.e., the paws and head are lower than the base.) The SO was using it as a curtain weight and it fell, breaking the tip of one of the wings. I thought, ‘Hm. I have some grey mouldable epoxy. Maybe I can sculpt a new wingtip to replace the one we never found.’
But the SO is decorating for Halloween. She said, ‘Where’s the cat?’ One of us put it somewhere, and now my cat gargoyle has gone missing. (The other alternative is that it hid itself.) I can’t buy a new one, since I got it a dozen years ago and all of the ones I see for sale now are ‘cute’ and not ‘vicious’. Grrr…
In other news, the live cat (which does not have wings, and is not a gargoyle) has taken to staring at a corner of the deactivated fireplace in my bedroom. (The fireplace hasn’t been used in a couple of decades, and I had the crumbling chimney demolished last year.) He’s freakin’ me out, man.