Missing movie scenes: cuts made post-theatrically???

In my Young Frankenstein thread in MPSIMS, someone mentioned seeing a scene when the film was originally in the theater, that has since seemed to vanish.

Why in the world would they cut scenes AFTER the theatrical release?

That got me thinking about some of the cuts POST THEATRICALLY that I have witnessed. Two movies come to mind instantly:

[li]Near the early part of the movie, there WAS a scene where the alien “raped” a dog. I use the term rape, for lack of a better term, but it showed the alien attcking the dog in some kind of “humping” action inside a tunnel. I remember it vividly cause it grossed me out. I have never seen this scene since, on video or tv.[/li]Mimic
[li]When the “good guy” is in the nest at the end of the film, he blows up the nest by lighting a zippo in the gas filled chamber while he is hanging on a ladder and says “Mimic THIS!” BOOM (in the version on video, he strikes a metal object against a steel grate until it sparks and detonates the gas)[/li]
Anyone seen these scenes?

I haven’t seen the movie so I can’t vouch for it, but I remember some controversy over the movie The Program. The movie included a scene where some teenagers lie flat on their backs on the center line of a busy highway. Since this was obviously a dangerous, stupid thing to do, some teenagers tried it in real life and one of them was killed. Supposedly the scene was edited out for video release.

*** A little TMI here, perhaps***

I think the alien still attacks the dog in the VHS release, but I seriously don’t remember the humping part. Of course, it was a midnight showing on the day of release, so it might just be my memory. I suppose it would make sense if it was humping the dog’s face, since it usually implants embryos via the throat.

Ok, that’s over now.

The first example to pop into my head was “The Devils Advocate”. A certain piece of art was used “inappropriately”, according to the artist or his estate (was it “Ex Nihilo”?), so some or all of the footage was removed before it was released on video/DVD.