Missing smilies

Man, for a board that prides itself on it’s lack of smilies, these threads sure get a lot of attention… :dubious:

shrug (where’s the stinking shrug smiley?) There’s a healthy and vociferous minority that would like smilies of all sorts. There is also a healthy and vociferous minority that just likes to bitch.

:dubious: You must be thinking of Dubious.

Is there some reason, unknown to me, that I can’t be thinking of rolleyes?

Make a case for eliminating :rolleyes: , if you believe if should be eliminated. All I’ve seen you do so far is gripe about it’s existance. What makes you believe it is an insult?

Actually I have seen many posters take :rolleyes: as an insult and set off angry exchanges.

You quite well could be. That would suggest that you probably make facial expressions different from everyone else’s.

I didn’t say we should get rid of Rolleyes. I said that the justification offered for getting rid of Wally is irrational in the light of the fact that we’re keeping Rolleyes. That point still remains, for those who make normal facial expressions. I’m not fond of Wally, and I quite like having Rolleyes around. That doesn’t mean the justification offered for this action makes any sense.

Rolleyes seems like an insult to me. It’s doesn’t just say “i’m skeptical of what you just said” it’s more like “Please! What nonsense you spout! Your words are so stupid that i’m not even going to respond to your point”.

It seems to me that rolleyes is attacking the ideas expressed by a poster, which is something we’ve always been able to do, in all fora (provided we stay within some minimal standards of good taste). An idea, however, cannot be a putz, so the wally smilie is a clear ad hominem (even if a somewhat mild one), and ads homines are not allowed in most of the fora here.

Excellent explanation Chronos, thank you for the clarification.


I think Rolleyes is an insult. It’s usually used to mean something like “Damn, you’re stupid! Do you know that?” Basically, it’s a very arrogant and snobbish sentiment, that really doesn’t belong outside Great Debates or the Pit.

Why not get an O RLY? Owl smiley? :smiley:

I stand corrected.

My vote is to can all of the smilies. I agree that rolleyes frequently is used in an insulting way. I absolutely vote against a vomiting smiley. I think it also will be used offensively. I’m not sure what’s so hard about stating one’s thoughts and feelings rather than sprinkling about winkies and rolleyeses and dubiouses.

:eek: :eek: :smiley: I agree! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I like to be able to use ol’ Doobie once in a while, and the smiley one is nice too - sometimes it’s just hard to make it clear that you’re making a joke.

I do think anyone who uses more than, say, three in any single post ought to be dealt with. Smileys are useful as an occasional addition to make your tone clear; people who use them in every sentence should really find a different crowd to hang out in.

And that’s how they’re used hereabouts, for the most part.

Seriously – when’s the last time someone used more than a couple, other than as a joke of some sort?

Um, I’m not gonna name names . . .

Do you read MPSIMS?

I’m sorry to see Wally vanish. He was useful.

Suggestion: go visit http://www.ataforums.com/. They have a smiley for Beating A Dead Horse that is outstanding, and I strongly suggest that we get it for SDMB.

Glad to see the Wally emoticon go. I agree (shock, :eek: gasp! :smiley: ) with **TubaDiva ** and tomndebb about it. The other one won’t be missed.

I’d like to see a “yech” emoticon.

A clapping or cheering or bowing one would be nice too. Hard to do without animation, though, and I don’t think they want that here.

Well, obviously. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have compared it to other smilies that attempt to hit various hot-buttons.

Given that it’s utterly absurd for a message board smilie to be offensive, bring 'em on.

Nonsense. The HOJM smilie was used to good effect during its time here.

We need the HOJM smilie so this post makes sense again.