Mjolnir....in Space

OK, so if Thor drops Mjolnir, you can’t pick it up unless you are considered worthy.

But what happens if Thor drops his hammer while in space? Could an unworthy person grab it and use it to smite their enemies?

Just wondered if this scenario had ever come up in the comics.

Yes, several times. Thor’s had a number of cosmic adventures throughout multiple galaxies. Someone may be able to put his or her hand on it, but he/she still can’t wield it. Unless, of course, it’s Beta-Ray Bill.

Isn’t that how Beta-Ray Bill came about? (He was worthy, though. I believe an unworthy person is incapable of *weilding *Mjolnir, which manifests as being unable to lift/ move it while on Earth.)

It was a plot device in one of the earlier comics. Some supervillian or other made an exact duplicate of Thor, and the duplicate picked up Mjolnir and threw it at Real Thor. It had no effect, because the magic inscription on the hammer said, “Whosoever holds this hammer, be he worthy, shall have the power of Thor.” Nobody else was worthy.

Beta Ray Billwas worthy, but nobody else.


Think Captain America was worthy (although that might have been in the 2099 universe). Also, Wonder Woman was worthy, in the DC v Marvel crossover.
So, in zero G, if I grabbed it, and swung it at an enemy, would Mjolnir stay still, and I would move? Or would Mjolnir still hit the enemy, but just with the power of a "normal " battlehammer?

Hulk has managed to pick it up on at least one occasion.

The times I’ve seen it, Mjolnir would stay still, and you would move, probably with a comical expression on your face.

Looking around, it appears that Conan the Barbarian has wielded Mjolnir once, and so has Rogue (after absorbing Thor’s life-force). Thor’s dad Odin has wielded it as well.

I was guessing that the reason nobody could lift it would be extraordinary mass, and that would have much the same effect in zero-G.

Wasn’t some DC hero found worthy as well, in one of the crossover events?

Thanks for the info. I knew this must have happened at some point.

Also, we can add Eric Masterson to the list of Mjolnir-wielders.

Wonder Woman (as has been noted above), briefly, and, in the last team-up, Superman carried Captain America’s shield and Mjolnir going into the final battle. Well, semi-final.

I haven’t seen that one (although I’ll take your word for it). I have seen him fail to pick it up (which served to demonstrate that it was worthiness, not strength, that mattered).

As to the OP, I think of Mjolnir as having infinite intertia (when an unworthy person tries to move it). One might be able to grab onto it as it floats through space, but one wouldn’t be able to swing it or toss it. But like many things in comics, this probably hasn’t been portrayed consistently over the years.

The only time I remember Hulk picking it up was in the Ultimates universe.

That’s where I saw it, yeah.

I think strength is still involved, though. IIRC, Captain America is sufficiently worthy to be able to pick it up and carry it, but he still finds it too heavy to use it effectively as a weapon.

In zero G, if you grabbed onto a crescent wrench and attempted to swing it at an enemy, you’d most likely make comical flailing gestures and begin to slowly spin.

I remember seeing Thor drop it when facing off against The Hulk; Hulk “caught” it and ended up holding the head in his hand, with his hand flat on the ground, and said something along the lines of “Hah! Got your hammer… uhhh… I think I broke my hand…

So, grabbing it while it’s in free fall doesn’t count.


(“Hulk hate personal pronouns.”)

Captain America is (or was as of ~2008 when I stopped collecting comics) the one worthy person who’s picked it up and remained himself rather than turn into an ersatz Thor.

Has anyone mentioned Dargo? He was some future guy who got the hammer and later was part of the Thor Corps with Beta Ray Thor and Thunderstrike.

The Ultimate Hulk as worthy to weld Mjolnir? The one that’s a giant, cannibalistic rape monster?

Jesus, I’m glad I stopped reading that book when I did.