MLB Postseason prediction and playoff talk thread!

I predict I will want to kill Frank Caliendo dead within the first 10 minutes of the playoffs on TBS.

Otherwise…Cubs will take LA in 4.

They will be the first team to ever win the World Series in only 3 games.

I predict that I’ve wanted that for months.

I also question the need to discuss how many Octobers there are.

He actually makes me hate him AND John Madden at the same time.

Cubs 2 - 0 already. They are on their way (well, there ARE 7 more innings to go). <lol>

I listened to the Phillies vs Brewers on ESPN Radio. It was Phillips and Michael Kay. I am not a big Phillips fan but they worked well together and it was a pleasant way to hear the game.

All those walks finally caught up with Dempster… 4-2 Dodgers.

Fuck you, Chicago!

I want to have James Loney’s children, and I’m a guy!

Why the hell did Lou leave Dempster in? I just don’t get some of the dipshit choices managers make for the sake of “giving him a chance”.


Don’t worry. You guys will come back. The Cubs are too good this year for one Grand Slam to rattle them.

Soriano is trying to keep his post season batting freeze from last year by swinging at any trash that lowe throws, even if its the same pitch 3 straight pitches.

Ooh, 3 walks and a 2 out grand slam.

Yeah, Dempster looked like shit out there. Motherfucking Cubs. I know it’s only a two-run game, but I can’t watch this for my blood pressure.

If anyone’s looking for a way to watch (in a manner) games without annoying, droning commentary, I’ve been fairly satisfied with ESPN’s Gamecast feature. It shows you the score and what’s going on, and absolutely nothing more.

It’s especially good for following a game at work. (Or so I hear because of course I’ve never done that…)

Well, not anymore.

The cubs will not stopping pitching in the dirt. Guess there’s always tomorrow…

Wow. Just wow. WTF happened? How do the Cubs lose at home with Dempster starting?

I wish we would trade Soriano. I’m so sick of him. He’s so overrated and he rarely ever comes through in tough games. Guess his shitty batting carries on another game.

My entire home city was one gigantic party that evening, that turned into an absolute madhouse when Joe won it. It was frigging awesome. I walked around with my date cheering, yelling, hugging total strangers, dancing with people.

I sincerely hope the Phillies win so you can experience it. It’s worth being a baseball fan your entire life just to feel it once.

I think the D-backs deserve a second win.

2001 when we won was just…weird. That was the “everyone is a New Yorker after 9/11” year.

We were winning the World Series and yet were constantly hearing about anthrax and terror alerts and war. I’ve watched the dvds from that series and it is still just strange.

I’ll take a 2009 World Series win and we’ll have a party on Central Avenue!

Bosox just dodged a bullet. I’m not sure I like the way this is starting.

I’m positive I like the way this is starting.