Moderators that suck severe ass and have no clue

Next time anyone bitches about how the mods here are total Nazi hardasses, listen to my story.

I belong to a newsgroup which takes the same name as a major UK magazine, and is owned by the same.

A certain troll boy has been making trouble for months.

He berates people online going above and beyond the call of tastelessness.

He creates play-on names of users which rudely describe their girth or sexual orientation or ugliness factor.

All this has been going on for months.

Today, Troll boy decides to shut down the entire board by manipulating his Java skills so that no one who posts after him in a thread can respond. During this time, he calls himself “The Bouncer.” He the other poster have

An hour later, he releases his grip, saying, “I guess your liquor license checked out after all.”

The moderator…the FUCKING MODERATOR eventually says publicly on the boards, “Don’t do that again.”

And dicksucker is still posting.

Can’t the Nazi mods here offer some free consultation???

Is there any particular reason that you fancy “dicksucker” as a pejorative term?

Is this a particularly large message board, or does it only have a membership rating in the high tens/low hundreds?

If it’s the latter, the mods probably didn’t care… having a board that small down for hours does relatively very little damage.

Of course, it is a very unenthusiastic response to what is, essentially, online vandalism.

I can see your point but it is just semantic extension at work. Cocksmoker, motherfucker and slut are similarly perjorative these days even though they may not be used in their literal or original sense.

There is the argument that epithets such as these should be avoided for fear of vilifying individuals who do engage in such behaviour but language doesn’t work that way. In this instance, dicksmoker, as juvenile as it sounds, is an insult based on the target’s non-sexual behaviour and the OP’s choice of it would be more properly attributed to a lack of imagination than anything else.

Excuse the crappy coding and perjorative (sic).


We will be requiring free coffee mugs from said UK magazine.

Herr Kaltfeuer
Sturmbahnführer des SDMB’s

They are clearly newbies. They are supposed to say that one moderator has some kind of rodent resident in their ass and that another has affiliations with the Nazi party (and his sexuality is indeterminate). The mod who manages to get all 3 accusations levelled at them in one post wins.

Moreover, they are supposed to level even worse accusations at the administrators - along the lines that they can be bribed with CHOCOLATE!

These people are quite clearly amateurs, and not worthy of your time or attention.

If you want to learn some REAL insults which can be levelled at the people who control your access, check out IRC or usenet some time.

Aren’t there also bonus points for references to “jack-booted thugs”?

Damnit! Disappointment of the highest order!

I raced in here, delighted to finally have the opportunity to ring in on how much I loathe all the gnathumping powerhungry mods on this board, ESPECIALLY the ones I’ve met personally (you know who you are, you bastards).

Only to be disappointed.

Well, I’ll just keep seething with quiet disdain over here in the corner.

I thought for sure this was going to be about the locking of the “How do you make hashish?” thread in GQ.

As you were.


If you’ll excuse me now, I’m going to go suck some dick.


Pretty much the only thing that can be done is ban DS from posting. Which can beget a vicious circle in which DS starts posting again under a different name, banned again, picks yet another name, gets banned, ad infinitum.

Why do I get the feeling our OP already knew that?

Okay, I’m jealous. :frowning:

jayjay :stuck_out_tongue:

Tom and Harry will be jealous.

Don’t take one of mine. The weekends coming up and I only gotta couple left.

Danke das ich jetzt meinen Monitor putzen darf Herr Führer…:smiley:

(sorry, that’s the only German I know – besides Klaus Meine)

Don’t feel bad, Jack… the only German I know I learned from playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

Yeah, I’m uncultured. Fuck you, too. :smiley: