Modern Family 10/5

I haven’t laughed this much at a TV episode in quite a while. Phil was burnin’ it up, I tell ya!

“You know that dangerous intersection?”
“Where desire and jealousy meet, and the result is murder?”

The video he and Luke made for the traffic committee was hilarious.

Lily looked so happy in her “princess hat.”

Great stuff this week!

Best line:

Phil - The black guy who played tight end.
Daughter - Offensive Line
Phil - Sorry, African American

I swear I am not trying to be That Guy, but for me, all 3 of the new episodes so far this season have been decidedly mediocre compared to just about any of the episodes from any of the previous couple of years; Still a few laughs here and there (David Cross had a nice cameo) but nothing really stood out to me…

Hope they get back on track soon.

No, I would agree with you on the one tonight at least. The run away dog bit fell flat, and the adoption agent coming just after they trashed the house I could see coming from the opening bit.

There are still some lines that make me laugh out loud (the dreaded LOL) that I can’t say happens in many other shows (except Raising Hope), but yes, it needs to hit its stride again soon.

:smiley: Glad I wasn’t the only person who got that.

Yeah, me too.

The one scene that made me LOL was when Cam was going through the park screaming, “Stella!”

High points:

And the kid’s name was Blanche.
The three sets of ringing doorbells and being shot down

Offensive line

Cam, muttering “it’s sticky, it’s messy”

Luke: my arm hurts, Phil: but my face is fine.

Good episode.

FYI, my 19 year old didn’t get the “Streetcar” reference. Such a pup.

The other thing that made me LOL was when Manny played Jay like a fiddle. “It never fails to play to an old man’s ego.” Who says the kid can’t sell?

Kinda have to agree - the frequency of quality jokes kept me entertained, but it didn’t have that overall tie-together that I look for Modern Family to push it over the edge with.

My favorite was the clip of Phil and Luke paying for the pizza in their underwear. Nice, if that is the right word for it, father-son moment…

Then they had to ruin it by having Cam point out how hilarious that is. :frowning:
Still, one of the best shows on TV. I enjoyed the episode quite a bit.

Even better—rich man’s ego.

That’s the best Bob & Ray gag I’ve heard in years.

Yeah, that was great!

I loved the cheesy safety video Phil and Luke made for the street commission with them screaming real loud and the camera zooming in on their mouths.

The part that really had me laughing was when Mitchell was on the phone to Cam and threatening to make an even bigger mess in the kitchen, and was desperately trying to pour syrup on the floor but just couldn’t bring himself to do it.

And then a final shot of Phil getting bonked in the head with the basketball…

For the initial shot of the basketball–the one that went off Phil’s head and into the basket: CGI? My wife and I were discussing it and that’s my best guess.

It’s funny that some people are down on this season because I liked last season but think this season has had a stronger start.

The basket was pretty low and he wasn’t that far away so it could have been done for real without too much effort. I didn’t look closely enough to see if there were other tricks that could have been used. But CGI is easy now, why not?

I was wondering about that whipped cream “eye” falling off Cam’s chest like it did. If that wasn’t CGI enhanced, that whipped cream’s got some masterful comedic timing.

I really doubt that it is easy to do. You have to make a clip of yourself doing this.